Chapter two of "The Search" Helen/Ranna Femslash

Jul 23, 2011 22:11

Author: Dncrnthedark
Title: "The Search" part 2
Disclaimer: Adult Themes, I don't own them...though I wouldn't mind knowing them! Also it's a little on the long side, but I couldn't help it!
Fandom: Sanctuary
Pairings:Helen Magnus/Ranna Seneschel
Rating: R
Summary: Wonderful things happen in showers...

The Search: Part 2

Ranna roamed the library silently skimming the old books and manuscripts that Helen had managed to acquire over her lifetime. She appreciated the brilliance behind those blue eyes more every day she spent at the Sanctuary. The big guy had finally allowed her to walk farther than the halls between her room and the infirmary a few days ago and she’d been exploring ever since. Helen had visited only briefly with her since she had been a patient and guest here. Most of her time had been spent away from the Sanctuary with her team, still dealing with new issues that came with new abnormals invading the surface. Ranna’s heart ached for her home and her people but, as guilty as she may be for feeling this way, her heart ached for Helen’s company more than anything. Ranna had not forgotten her realization that came from under the ruble and she had certainly not forgotten the kiss. She smiled to herself at the memory of that day. Even in her pain Helen gave her such warmth. She wanted so badly to taste her again.

Helen, Will, Henry and Kate came trudging back to the Sanctuary later than they had anticipated. They were tired and dirty but none the worse for wear. Helen’s team was exhausted after a successful mission, as was Helen, but she still had work to do. Helen said goodnight to her friends and began walking to her room, looking forward to a nice hot shower before she started the long process of paperwork. The Sanctuary was quiet as she walked the halls. She was so happy to be back. She’d spent almost no time here in weeks and she missed it. The way to her room led her past the library doors. It was easy to notice the thin stream of light filtering into the hallway, such a contrast it was to the dim she was standing in. She didn’t think the big guy would leave the lights on and the rest of the team were surely in their rooms by now….she quietly opened the door just enough to scan the room. Who she saw took her breath away. Dear God she looked so lovely, almost back to when she first laid eyes on her. The remnants of the trauma she had been through only weeks ago nearly gone from her body. Ranna had not heard the door open because she was asleep on one of the love seats. Helen stepped closer to her, careful not to make a sound. Ranna looked so peaceful curled up on the couch. She had an open book laying on her chest and the antique throw blanket Helen had brought back from India across her legs. She was wearing the navy sweater Helen had given her after her own clothes had been ruined. Helen knelt down next to Ranna and simply watched her sleep. This was bliss for Helen. She’d had such stress and worry bearing down on her lately that she almost forgot what peace could feel like. She took in every detail while she could. Ranna was the most beautiful woman she had met in a very long time. There was a fighter inside of her that showed even while she slept, in the shape of her cheeks and the way her lips pout at the edges. Her dark hair fell out over the pillow like a halo. She was stunning in every way that Helen admired. She was real, there was nothing pretentious, or false living inside this woman. And, Helen realized as she watched her chest rise and fall and her eyes flutter in dreams, there was still innocence there, hanging inside her soul. She thought. My goodness, even after the hell she’d witnessed in her lifetime. Helen wanted to wake her up but just couldn’t bring herself to break the spell. She simply loved watching her breathe. Helen sat there a few more minutes and then decided it was time to leave her in peace. She was just about to leave her side when Ranna opened her eyes.

Ranna felt someone close. She must have fallen asleep because when she opened her eyes, a blurred vision of Helen was kneeling next to her. She blinked a little harder to clear her eyes, thinking that Helen was simply a leftover of the dreams she’d been having but when she opened them again, there she was, clear as the moon and smiling right at her. Helen Magnus, even covered in dirt, she was incredible. Ranna couldn’t help but grin as she took in the full state of Helen’s appearance. It must have been a hard day. Helen’s hair was pulled back away from her face but there were unruly strands curling their way down her ears. Her bangs were ruffled and dusted with earth. Ranna thought Helen’s face was flawless even streaked with dirt. The darkness of it making the blue of her eyes stand out. She had on what used to be a white blouse underneath her leather jacket, both a little worse for wear. Ranna reached out to Helen and brushed a little dust off her collar, smiling up at the woman, she took her hand from her collar and placed it on the side of her face, gently rubbing away a streak of dirt. “Did you accomplish what you intended?” she asked, never taking her eyes off Helen’s face.
“Thankfully yes, not as gracefully as I’d have liked however.” Helen looked down at herself with disgust. “I must look a fright, I was on my way to clean up when I saw the light on.” Suddenly a little self conscious of her appearance compared to the lovely and, she might add, clean, woman still lying on her couch.
Ranna sat up so that she was face to face with Helen, she didn’t say a word, she looked at Helen, letting her eyes roam from the low cut of her blouse, lingering at the curve of her neck and making her way slowly up to her lips that were still a light peach color from what was left of her gloss. Helen watched Ranna look at her, she watched her eyes play over her body and instead of the self consciousness of moments ago, she felt a warmth wash over her. Ranna lifted her eyes to Helen’s, she held her there for a moment, as if she could read her from the inside out, she traced her bottom lip with the tip of her finger and before she could think any longer, she placed her hand on Helen’s neck and pulled her into a kiss. This was not the chaste kiss from the day of her arrival. This kiss held all her want and need to be close to Helen. Helen shared her intensity breath for breath as she explored Ranna’s mouth with her own, nipping at her lips, letting her tongue mingle with hers, tasting every bit of her as she could. Helen let the kiss linger on her lips as Ranna gently eased her grip from Helen’s neck. Ranna stood up, held out her hands to Helen, helping her to her feet. Without another word she led Helen to her room and into the master bath. Methodically, with so much care, Ranna began to undress Helen. She took the leather jacket in her hands and guided it over and down her shoulders, pressing closer to Helen as she slid the garment down her arms, letting it drop softly to the floor. Her hands glided back to the buttons of Helen’s blouse, letting herself touch every part of flesh she could as she worked. She could feel Helen’s breath quicken as she made her way through each button, exposing the lace of Helen’s bra, showing the firmness of her stomach. She tugged the blouse out from the dark, conventional pants and let it fall away from her body. The woman was incredible. Better than her dreams could have prepared her for. Helen had the most beautiful skin, so soft and flawless, Ranna ran her fingers over her lover’s stomach, letting her hands glide to her back, to the clasp of her bra. She let it fall away like the rest of her clothes as Helen’s breathing intensified with every motion. Helen closed the small distance between their bodies and kissed Ranna again, making her way from her soft lips, kissing her slowly down her jaw line, along her neck, moving away the fabric of her sweater to kiss her lower so that her breathing was in sync with her own. Helen felt Ranna’s hand unbuckling her belt, not quite as slowly as she had begun, unzipping her trousers, Ranna pulled the rest of Helen’s clothing from her body, helping her step out of the tangled mess on the floor. Ranna stood back and gazed in appreciation at the woman before her. Stunning is all she could think and she let that feeling play on her face, completely willing to show all the love she had for her in every expression.
Helen watched a glow come over Ranna’s face as she stepped back from her. Admittedly, she had not been completely nude in front of a woman in quite some time, but before that feeling of self consciousness could return, Ranna began to take off her own sweater. Standing in front of Helen, Ranna let her skirt fall around her feet, joining her sweater on the tile. She unclipped her bra and slowly slid her arms from the straps and finally working her way to the small lace garment covering the last bit of flesh left unseen, sliding it down her legs and stepping away from the pile gracefully.
Ranna entered the large glass shower, turning on the water and testing it for the perfect temperature. She, once again, took Helen’s hand, leading her into the powerful stream of warm water pouring down from the ornate shower head. Helen welcomed the feel of the water pouring over her body. She lifted her face to it and let if fall over her hair and face, washing away the residue of the day. “You are amazing,” Ranna whispered, stepping into Helen’s back, wrapping her arms around her wet body as the water streamed over both of them. “Let me bathe you my darling, let me wash away your troubles.” Helen turned to face Ranna, nodding speechlessly as she took in how beautiful Ranna looked wet.
Ranna moved forward and kissed Helen forcefully on the lips while the water pulsed around them. Her hands coming up and tangling in Helen’s wet auburn curls as she pressed into her body, the curves of her breasts melding perfectly with hers. She reached behind Helen to the shelf that held her favorite sponge and perfumed body wash. She lathered the sponge thoroughly and began running the soft, scented lather over Helen’s shoulders. Water chased away the bubbles in rivulets across her back leaving clean, slick, areas that Ranna kissed as she moved the sponge along the curves of Helen’s lower back, running her soapy hands over her silky backside, letting her fingers linger along the inside edge of Helen’s upper thigh. “Dear God you feel so good.” Helen could barely get the words out as Ranna worked her hands and the sponge down the back of her legs. She leaned against the side of the shower as Ranna made her way to the front of Helen, kneeling at her feet while she lathered her legs, one at a time, working her way up as water washed the suds down. Ranna stood as she ran the sponge over the Helen’s thighs, slowing moving the sponge in and out between Helen’s legs making Helen shudder with need. Helen grabbed on to Ranna’s shoulders to steady herself, fearing her knees would betray her. Ranna brought the sponge up against her stomach and then to her breasts, she used the sponge to gently circle the lather along Helen’s nipples one at a time. Helen gave out a small, deep, sound and arched her back inward giving her body to Ranna completely. Drawing Ranna in to her slippery skin she kissed her more deeply than ever, her tongue moving with hers, sucking at her lips, wanting to touch every part of her. Her hands moved down Ranna’s wet back, cupping her butt and pulling her leg up against her own. She moved her leg between Ranna’s and began to rock against her gently at first, then faster and harder as Ranna began to quiver underneath her touch. It felt like her hands were everywhere all at once. Helen felt dizzy with pleasure as Ranna gently squeezed and played with her nipples as their bodies rocked back and forth, water still pouring over them, between them, letting them slide in and out of each other with ease. Ranna was barely holding on as Helen slid her leg aside to allow her hand to enter her softly. As Helen pressed inside her Ranna let out a gasp of pleasure as she began to move in rhythm with Helen’s able fingers. Working faster as Ranna’s breathing increased to match the flood of emotions filling her from the pulsing of Helen’s fingers all the way up to her dizzying head. Helen held Ranna a tightly as their motion would allow. Helen pressed harder and faster until Ranna came in a flood of raw emotion rocking against Helen’s hand violently sending Helen into her own heavy release that sent both women to their knees with pure pleasure.
When she remembered how to move, Helen turned off the water and lifted Ranna to her feet. She moved wet strands of dark hair from her face and laid a trail of kisses across the shorter woman’s forehead, down her nose, and cheeks, finding her mouth for another kiss before she reached for the oversized towel. Wrapping the towel around Ranna, she whispered, “I’ve been looking for you for so long…I am so pleased I found you”.

helen magnus sanctuary femslash ranna se

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