Remember me??

Nov 22, 2009 15:24


So I know I've been majorly slacking in the update department, but a little nudge from Kat has finally convinced me to sit down and write a little update. I started writing and then couldn't stop, so I figured I'll put this behind an LJ cut so as not to take up your whole friends pages :)

Soooo things are really good!

First the job, there's good and bad....I really like working there, the people are super fun and unique! We're such a small office that I truly know everyone I work with (for better or for worse...i shall elaborate in a sec), and I feel like I really have a voice in what happens. My managers are frickin awesome! Like seriously...I don't think it's possible to have better bosses. Their office is a total open door policy, and if you ever need to talk they are so welcoming and unintimidating. Now...being in such a small office also has its drawbacks as well. We work with mostly women, and we ALL know that women are CRAZY!

First, two girls in the office liked Devin before I started working there. Yeah, so they don't like me very much. One Devin doesn't like, which is fine cause she sucks, but Devin is friends with the other one...which causes some friction. I just don't like her,'s not a jealousy thing, like, i'm not concerned with Devin's loyalty or anything like that, but I can just see it in her eyes that she's not over him...its super frustrating and can make work super difficult sometimes...*sigh* I mean Devin is totally worth it, but if you can avoid working with your significant other I would highly recommend it.....

Any waysI also really like what I'm doing. Our business is booming...the recession is not affecting us at all! Super amazing for the state of our country feels amazing to be able to live comfortably again...those three months of being laid off we're probably three of the hardest months ever...I'm just so grateful for the position I'm in. I've FINALLY starting being able to save again for a car!! Yay!! That is super exciting!

So moving on...things with devin are pretty frickin amazeballs amazing! It's so nice having someone who's so considerate and so loving. When we have arguements or "fights" they never last long...we always talk about it and move on......*sigh* soooooooooo amazing. We've pretty much been spending all our time together, which is also interesting. I was worried about that initially when we got together, because I don't have any other friends or people to hang out with outside of him. He's seriously become my best friend here, and I'm getting to know his friends, who are amazing by the way. all of his good friends are SO cool. I love hanging out with them. devin is also in 4 bands...yes 4! They're all punk bands....SO i've slowly been getting into that scene...haha it's definitely interesting. All the bands are his friends from high school...he plays guitar in one, bass in two and vocals and guitar in another. He's ridiculously talented!! I do enjoy watching it a lot more than I thought i would. The crowd is just going crazy, and jumping around. I usually stand behind the drum set, so I don't get trampled :)

Dev is also super into soccer! We went to 4 LA Galaxy games in the past 3 months! It's super cool getting to see Beckham so close :)...and I don't know if you've ever been to a soccer game, but they're SUPER fun with the chants and songs and jumping around. Soccer players also seem a lot more appreciative of their fans...whenever they score they always run over to the supporter section everyone celebrates together. Super cool!

In LA news...the weather is still amazing. We had a little spout of fires which caused the air to get super dry and smoggy. I got this dry cough which would NOT go away. The day I got my health insurance benefits through work, I went to the doctor and found out I had asthmatic bronchitis! Welcome to LA :) I got some steroids and an inhaler and POOF it was gone...which was nice...but OMG the steroids gave me Roid Rage like crazy! It was not fun for anyone involved....

Hmmm so I think that's all for now! I'll try and update more often! I know you guys are so far away and I want to keep you informed! Heading to Boston for Thanksgiving and my cousin's bat mitzvah.....THEN i'll be in MD 12/25-12/31 (ha! the two cheapest days to fly!) so if you guys are around I would love to see you!!!

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