2. Where did we meet: SMES second day of school freshman year!
3. Take a stab at my middle name: Unique
4. How long have you known me: 4 wonderous years
5. How well do you know me: i think i know you quite well...although very big news always seems to come out of no where!
6. Do I smoke: thank goodness no
7. Do I believe in God: yes, but not the way your school people do
8. When you first saw me, what was your impression: how cute!
9. My age: 18
10. My birthday: February 14th...Valentines Day!
11. Hair color: Brown
12. Eye color: Brown
13. Am I tall or short or average: short...the same height as me! hey at least we can wear heels...it sucks they are so damn uncomfortable though!!
14. Do I have any siblings: two sisters, dominique who is younger and unique who is older
15. (Opposite. Sex) Have you ever had a crush on me: -
16. (Same sex) Have you ever been jealous of me: oh all the time..you have no idea!
17. Who am I in love with: Ua...haha Joshua and Angelina Jolie (what can i say - you have good taste!)
18. What is one of my favorite things to do: right now, in your current situation, watch Family Guy. oh and to go to plays and Prince concerts!
19. Do you remember one of the first things I said to you: "hi im chante"
20. What's your funniest memory of me: lets see...has got to be the time i decided i was gonna use my daddy's credit card to go to Rome for ice cream...you were so up to it! Haha so was i...i was soooo hyper!! Oh and when you called me while i was at work...you were so surprised i answered and was talking!
21. What's my favorite type of music: Oldies...Prince...i dunno a little of everything
22. What is my best feature: the way you love everyone...well almost everyone
23. What is my worst feature: too busy sometimes
24. Do you look up or down on me... definitely look up
26. Am I a leader or a follower: leader...well people just naturally gravitate to you and want to do what you are doing. whatever it is!
27. Am I shy or outgoing: outgoing, but i think you are shy when you are around ppl you dont really know
28. Can you picture me dancing: haha well you are dancing all the time, so no picturing is required
29. Would you say I am funny: one of the funniest people i know!
30. Am I a rebel or do I follow all the rules: both, your an angel with the devil trying to break lose hahahaha
31. Do I have any special talents: what cant you do?
32. What's my best accomplishment: i honestly have no idea, ive been putting graduating high school for people!
33. Would you consider me a friend: one of my dearest
34. What type of friend am I? an excellent one! i can and do tell you everything, and its all about love with you
35. Have you ever seen me cry: i believe i have, but does crying at a movie count?
36. If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be: hmmm too hard
37. What is your favorite thing to do with me: just hang out whatever it is we do
38.. (Opposite sex) Would you ever make out with me: -
39. Have I ever been there for you: many a times
40. Am I fun to be with: well i dont make friends with boring people
41. Am I smart: so very smart in so many ways
42. Am I conservative or un-conservative: depends on the company...but i would say un-conservative
43. Do you love me: oh so much, you cant even imagine!
44. Name one way I have changed your life or made an impact in it: you have shown me how to live life loud and proud and how to have fun
45. Favorite band? is Prince a band?
46. One thing (or more) you'd change about me (be honest): I honestly wouldnt change anything about you...you are perfect the way you are!
47. Anything I've ever done to hurt you, whether it be physical or emotionally?: nope, youre always there for my emotionally and unless you poked me with a pencil, i cant think of anyone other than jeremy to hurt me physically
48. If there could be one thing you'd want to tell me, what would it be? to always be yourself, and show and share the wonderful chante that i know
2. Where did we meet: SMES second day of school freshman year!
3. Take a stab at my middle name: Unique
4. How long have you known me: 4 wonderous years
5. How well do you know me: i think i know you quite well...although very big news always seems to come out of no where!
6. Do I smoke: thank goodness no
7. Do I believe in God: yes, but not the way your school people do
8. When you first saw me, what was your impression: how cute!
9. My age: 18
10. My birthday: February 14th...Valentines Day!
11. Hair color: Brown
12. Eye color: Brown
13. Am I tall or short or average: short...the same height as me! hey at least we can wear heels...it sucks they are so damn uncomfortable though!!
14. Do I have any siblings: two sisters, dominique who is younger and unique who is older
15. (Opposite. Sex) Have you ever had a crush on me: -
16. (Same sex) Have you ever been jealous of me: oh all the time..you have no idea!
17. Who am I in love with: Ua...haha Joshua and Angelina Jolie (what can i say - you have good taste!)
18. What is one of my favorite things to do: right now, in your current situation, watch Family Guy. oh and to go to plays and Prince concerts!
19. Do you remember one of the first things I said to you: "hi im chante"
20. What's your funniest memory of me: lets see...has got to be the time i decided i was gonna use my daddy's credit card to go to Rome for ice cream...you were so up to it! Haha so was i...i was soooo hyper!! Oh and when you called me while i was at work...you were so surprised i answered and was talking!
21. What's my favorite type of music: Oldies...Prince...i dunno a little of everything
22. What is my best feature: the way you love everyone...well almost everyone
23. What is my worst feature: too busy sometimes
24. Do you look up or down on me... definitely look up
26. Am I a leader or a follower: leader...well people just naturally gravitate to you and want to do what you are doing. whatever it is!
27. Am I shy or outgoing: outgoing, but i think you are shy when you are around ppl you dont really know
28. Can you picture me dancing: haha well you are dancing all the time, so no picturing is required
29. Would you say I am funny: one of the funniest people i know!
30. Am I a rebel or do I follow all the rules: both, your an angel with the devil trying to break lose hahahaha
31. Do I have any special talents: what cant you do?
32. What's my best accomplishment: i honestly have no idea, ive been putting graduating high school for people!
33. Would you consider me a friend: one of my dearest
34. What type of friend am I? an excellent one! i can and do tell you everything, and its all about love with you
35. Have you ever seen me cry: i believe i have, but does crying at a movie count?
36. If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be: hmmm too hard
37. What is your favorite thing to do with me: just hang out whatever it is we do
38.. (Opposite sex) Would you ever make out with me: -
39. Have I ever been there for you: many a times
40. Am I fun to be with: well i dont make friends with boring people
41. Am I smart: so very smart in so many ways
42. Am I conservative or un-conservative: depends on the company...but i would say un-conservative
43. Do you love me: oh so much, you cant even imagine!
44. Name one way I have changed your life or made an impact in it: you have shown me how to live life loud and proud and how to have fun
45. Favorite band? is Prince a band?
46. One thing (or more) you'd change about me (be honest): I honestly wouldnt change anything about you...you are perfect the way you are!
47. Anything I've ever done to hurt you, whether it be physical or emotionally?: nope, youre always there for my emotionally and unless you poked me with a pencil, i cant think of anyone other than jeremy to hurt me physically
48. If there could be one thing you'd want to tell me, what would it be? to always be yourself, and show and share the wonderful chante that i know
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