Week 66: Regret - Submission

Feb 17, 2007 19:30

Week sixty-five's theme will be Regret. You may use the word (A list of synonyms can be found here) or express it another way. Be creative. If you have any questions, feel free to comment. Remember that all comments to this post will be screened. Submittion entries should have the same format as follows:


URL: http://pics.greatestjournal.com/userpic/18172516/131540

[x] Don't advertise your icon.
[x] Submitted icons must be no more than 7 days old.
[x] Must be compatible w/livejournal (jpg, png, gif; 100x100, 40KB or less).
[x] Entries are to be submitted in by next Friday, 9:00 PM Eastern Time.
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