Title: Whiteout
Author: White Aster
Rating: PG
Words: 274
Satoshi has a recurring dream of snow. An endless field of snow, flat and clean and deceptively peaceful. He stands in the snow and looks around, and there's nothing but white and the blue sky for as far as he can see. He looks down, and he's barefoot, his clothes too thin. He's freezing, but he doesn't want to move, because the snow is deep, and he knows it's hiding...SOMETHING. Something that might overlook him if he can just stay still enough....
But he's so cold, and eventually he can't feel his feet, or his legs, and he loses his balance, catching himself in the elbow-deep snow. He flounders, trying to right himself, and his hands recoil from something on the ground. He looks down, and it's Krad, lying like a fallen angel, like a man laid out for burial with his hands folded on his still chest. His skin is white, his clothes white, his hair so pale blonde it's almost white. He's still and beautiful and pristine, and Satoshi's heart leaps, because he looks DEAD. But he has to be sure, has to, so he reaches out, and as his hand hovers over Krad's mouth, Krad's eyes open, a grin splitting his face, and he reaches for Satoshi, his cold cold hands pulling Satoshi down, into the icy snow, and Satoshi can feel it up his nose and in his mouth, coating his insides with ice, suffocating....
He wakes up from this dream exhausted, his heart hammering in his chest and Krad's laughter ringing soft and amused in his mind.
Never let you go, Satoshi-sama. Never never never....