Jan 14, 2017 23:02
From my Uncle Nick to my grandfather Andrew Anthony DaSilva,
Dear Dad,
It's hard to believe and accept that you are not in our life anymore.
God's angels came and took you away and we knew you would have to leave us, but we never wanted to see that day come. You were my dad, my friend and my teacher of life: I learned so much from you. No one has ever taught me more. All the happy times and memories that you and I shared will live on in my heart and soul for the rest of my life.
You taught me how to do a brake job on a 1964 Ford Custom. You taught me how to drive when I turned sixteen years old. I remember you sitting there beside me in the passenger seat of that old '64 Ford, and the very first time you let me drive on the 401. You even fought some of my battles for me, and helped me out in so many ways I'll never forget an always appreciate.
You accepted me unconditionally even before the day I was born.
You were there the day I came into this world, I was there the day you left our world. The day that you died I believe there is a piece of every one of us lost when you took your last breath.
I remember the one-on-one times we spent together driving around, delivering clothes on a Saturday in that old budget truck. I was just basically keeping you company all day and you would take me to the Red Barn for lunch. I used to keep you company when you used to do those side jobs for extra cash.
I wasn't much of a helper back then but you didn't seem to mind.
You took me to Guyana to experience the country of my birth, and took care of me while I was there with you in Pomeroon. In British Columbia I was we even went gold panning in an old white Chevy van that the two of us slept in each night. I remember I woke to the smell of you cooking curry and rice one night as we camped in the woods. We never found any gold but my time with you was always priceless.
Didn't really matter. We had our drinks together. Molson Golden beer, XM Rum and Bacardi. We would talk about anything and everything, and you were always full of advice. You fought some of my battles and stood up for me all the way. One night I fought one of yours when Kevin, Randy and I took you out drinking to the Running Pump. Started a bar room brawl when I dropped the bouncer at the door after I saw him strike you. So many happy memories run through my head when I close my eyes and think of you.
Dad, you were an amazing father to all four of your children. We all loved you too and I hope you knew that when it was your time to go. I will never stop missing you in my life as the days turn to years. I'll always remember the good times we shared when I wipe away my tears.