aprilshotyou.com is a year old!

Oct 16, 2009 01:48

November marks the one year anniversary of aprilshotyou.com! and growing!

I am celebrating this because it has been years since I have had a hobby I enjoy so much, and it has done wonders for my esteem. I hid from the camera for YEARS and then once I started behind the camera, I found some confidence to be in front of it too!

Help me celebrate and let's take a trip down memory lane! Please post your favorite picture from the site, and tell me why it's your favorite. Maybe it made you laugh, maybe it made you sick to your stomach, maybe it just looks cool. Whatever the reason, let's see them!


(Call me a spotter or ask if pics will be on DSI and you will get punched in your baby maker next time I see you. :) )

Over 16,330 pics and growing!
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