I can't take it anymore!

Apr 02, 2008 16:21

I love you all but I cannot believe the things being said, especially those of you that are moms yourselves.  How would you feel if it were you and your child as the subject of all this bashing and wishes of death and harm?  ESPECIALLY the child, as if it has some choice in all of this.

I'm sure the response will be "Well I don't care what they think of me or my kid." I am sure the feeling is mutual.  But knowing some of you as I do - if some of the things that have been said about her (and others) were said about you then there would be a war instigated by ALL of you.  Yet, you're turning around and doing the same thing.

Don't get me wrong, I am sure this is not just coming from one side.  But if you are all so much better than her why are you stooping to her level?

I love you and you all know that I love your children.  The thought of anybody wishing harm upon them or you makes my stomach turn.  The thought of any of you as mothers wishing that upon another mother (no matter how much you dislike her) really disturbs me.

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