May 28, 2008 21:43
It's been a ridiculously long time since I posted. I know. I'm terrible. I've also been terrible at returning phone calls. Grading papers. Being social. UGH. Life is ridiculous. I have had so much going on. [and right now you're always have so much going on]
Wedding preparations have been insanely busy. We're down to the little detaily things now. It's ridiculous how many things you need to think of along the way. I've never put so much energy into tablecloths....
School has been insanely busy. I'm reading bazillions of papers. Most of them are on one of 3 topics: MLK, Malcolm X, The Great Depression, or WWII. Consistency is the spice of life. That's what I always say.
Life has been.... quiet because I don't have time for it to be insanely busy. =P
I'll give a real update later. Chris is telling me he needs to pay bills. I guess that's important.