post from the train

Jan 02, 2012 14:55

So, how to sum up the hols? ... ... sad, fun and crap. It's sad to leave. I hate departs of any kind as it usually makes me cry a bit. Especially when it comes to family, even though I might hate them at times. And I have a hate-love relationship with that damn mad dog <3 bless her, I miss her already.

Fun it was cuz... Well meeting family is always important to me on hols, sp... Yeah. Crap it turned out to be when the dog literally pulled me through a patch of dog shit and ruined my shoes and that I spent my last night puking my guts out in the upstairs toilet...

Oh well. Sub grouo ppl. I'm sure you've heard of the crunchyroll claim on shinpot. Your thoughts on would you like to still pick it up?

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