L Likes Pudding.

Apr 20, 2009 04:32

Name: Robyn

Age: 25

Height: 5' 1"

Personality: Whenever I've taken the Myers-Briggs, I always ended up INFP (Introverted-Intuitive-Feeling-Perceiving). I mostly agree with that. Sometimes I think I've analyzed my personality to the point that I don't know what exactly I'm like. I like to generate possibilities, but have a hard time deciding. Always unsure, always questioning. In social situations I am incredibly reserved, observing others rather than participating; however, I'm working on trying to participate more. I tend to come off as distant, but inside I wish I could connect with others more easily. Obsessive. Perfectionist. Neurotic. I feel a need for things to be done the "right" way. Yet somehow I'm also lazy. I base my judgments primarily on my feelings and can be a very sensitive person (for better or for worse). I try to be flexible, but inwardly I'm stubborn and resistant to change. I worry that I don't have a mind of my own, but then try to do things differently than expected just to prove myself wrong. I live in my head much more than in the outside world (to a point many would consider unhealthy). When I feel comfortable enough with someone, I open up much more and can become very playful and silly. Sometimes to an annoying degree.

Strengths: Empathic, patient, loyal, trustworthy, dependable, willing to listen to others' problems, artistic ability, writing ability, introspection, attention to detail, academic work, thoroughness in what I do, fiercely protective of those I care about

Weaknesses: My proneness to anxiety and depression, my social anxiety and the awkwardness it creates, procrastination, avoidance, self-doubt, self-pity, self-defeating, self-consciousness, apparently using the word "self" too much, lack of motivation, second-guessing myself, envy, passivity, not being able to see the whole picture and getting lost in the details.

Bad Habits: Pulling at my hair, spending so much time online that I forget the real world, eating too many sweets, procrastinating, avoiding, sleeping too much, putting myself down

Likes: Learning, inspiration, new and interesting ideas, psychology (my major), art, anime, creativity, things unusual, things that have a dark aesthetic, animals (esp. cats, rodents, frogs/toads, and insects), friendly and open-minded people, routine, talking to myself

Dislikes: Loud people, crowds, change, people who think they know “the only truth,” being ignored, not being able to find things, condescension, bullying, bigotry, sexism, homophobia

Hobbies: Reading, drawing, daydreaming, thinking, surfin' thems internets, collecting Death Note doujinshi, playing WoW

Talents: Artistic ability, mirror writing (as in writing completely backwards... it's as natural as writing forwards for me), finding books (I work in a library :P)

Interests: Pretty much covered under “likes” and “hobbies.” See my profile if you need to know more.

Favourite character: L. I love that he's so intelligent and mysterious. His quirks make him human and very endearing... as well as incredibly unique. I admire that although he's reserved, he is also willing to take risks. Not to mention he's sexy-sauce.

Least favourite character: Demegawa. He was made to be disliked.

Would you use the Death Note?: I can't make any promises about what I would do. I'd like to think that I wouldn't, but the temptation to at least try it out would definitely be there. I can't imagine the temptation would last beyond trying it once though (I can't even kill bugs, would I really be able to keep killing humans??)

Who would you use it on, and why?: This is a more difficult question. IF I tried it out, I would probably choose someone who I felt caused many people suffering, especially if it was done with malicious intent.

Do you support Kira?: I still haven't made up my mind about this. When I first started watching the series, I felt that Light might be doing a good thing. After seeing what he had to do in order to cover his tracks, I couldn't help but feel repulsed. Then when Mikami was brought into the picture and he wanted to get rid of not just criminals, but those he found “useless”... yikes. Too much power in too few hands... so I'd have to overall say no.

I enjoy the moral ambiguity the series has. How I would feel about something like that if it happened in real life... that's very, very difficult for me to say.

Anything else you'd like to add?: I really wish I had done this sooner... looking forward to hearing your opinions!


My five votes!:

http://community.livejournal.com/dn_rating/194297.html?thread=2023929#t2023929 (comments were screened)

stamped: l

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