L likes pudding, what a surprise.

Nov 23, 2007 11:20

Name: Wy
Age: 19
Height: 5'1"
Personality: I'm a very laid-back person. It takes a lot to get me worked up, but when I am worked up, it's hard to stop me. I like to keep things simple, and don't like overcomplication. I am incredibly unmotivated and can procrastinate like no other. I'm more intelligent than I let on, and I love proving people wrong. I can be quite bi-polar; either that, or I have really bad mood swings. I can be either really happy, and turn kind of mellow and apathetic, to getting kind of jittery and nervous or becoming short-tempered.
Strengths: I tend to be a quick thinker, work well under pressure, I can shut off my emotions in situations where it's needed, I'm calm at the most unusual of times, I will stay up to finish something I've become really determined to finished, and I almost always finish what I start.
Weaknesses: I'm so lazy, it's hard to get me to do things. I have a sharp tongue that sometimes offends and gets me into trouble by the higher ups, based on my appearance and how react towards most things, it looks like I don't care too much, I can be umsympathetic towards people who use the guilt card on me, and I sometimes only think of the benefits for myself.
Bad Habits: Giving people way too much credit, cracking my knuckles, smoking on occasion, and biting the insides of my cheeks.

Likes: I really enjoy sweet foods, tea, anything that will get my adrenaline pumping, going to concerts, learning about psychology and criminolgy, why crazy people do what they do, going to haunted houses and graveyards, halloween, getting scared, horror movies, the Asian culture, eating with chopsticks, playing games in public, singing at the top of my lungs.
Dislikes: Bad drivers, feet, fish, insects [mostly spiders], rude behavior towards another for no reason, people who think they are better than everyone else, "useless" people, Mary Sues.
Hobbies: Sewing, baking, running, snowboarding, writing craptastic stories with my friend, coming up with theories for things, analyzing movies, painting, playing the guitar.
Talents: I can keep the straightest face telling jokes, I was an accomplished cellist, good at reading people based on appearance, stature, how they present themselves.
Interests: Ancient cultures, how to make Asian cuisine, making clothes/purses/other items, origami, psychology, learning other languages.

Favourite character: I don't really have one. xD
Least favourite character: Same for this one. I mean, yes, there are certain qualities of some characters that make me want to smack a ho, but but I can relate to all of them in some sense.
Would you use the Death Note?: No.
Who would you use it on, and why?: I wouldn't use it on anyone, no matter how much I hated them. There are some things you just cannot control, and being able to dictate who lives and dies is one of them.
Do you support Kira?: He's human, but he doesn't realize the consequences of his actions. To him, this Death Note was a godsend. Being able to filter the good and the bad was his original aim, but in turn, he's just as bad as the people he's been killing.

Anything else you'd like to add?: I can't think of anything~

Pictures!: But sir, do I have to? *is shot*

My five votes!:

stamped: near

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