Name: Karin.
Age: Eighteen going on nineteen.
Height: 5’3”.
Personality: I find it difficult myself to pin my personality down at times because it fluctuates a lot. I am a perfectionist with tendencies that border on OCD. This puts me off, though, and I can become lazy and neglectful unless it’s an interest of mine. Then, I invest all of myself in it. Socially, I’m awkward. I don’t shun others - quite the opposite - but I am naturally reclusive. I don’t admit to having an extensive network of friends, but I like the handful that I do keep close. Around other people, I am not talkative unless the topic is something I feel comfortable speaking about, but I’m easygoing (depending upon how well I know you) and friendly and silly - to an extent. I’m not openly aggressive, but I will not deny that I can be opinionated when it’s something I truly believe in. I used to have the mindset of being nice or at least polite to everyone because I did not want to hurt anyone or become anyone’s enemy, especially when I was a painfully shy child and couldn’t obtain friends easily, but that is becoming less apparent as I get older and less introverted. I’ve got a quirky sense of humor that can be very sarcastic, just plain weird, and, when I am in my element, actually amusing. Sometimes, I am just a spazz.
Strengths: I’m very meticulous, which one could consider to be a strength and weakness. I am analytical and can take what I know to figure out what I don’t. I am artistic and creative; I do believe that the skies are the limits. I like to keep the people I care about happy, usually through laughter. I stand up for what I believe in. I am loyal to those who will trust in me. I try to keep an open mind in spite of my biases and prejudices (because we all have them). I am empathetic. I am a realist. I excel at writing to make up for my oral ineptitude. I am intuitive and observant to my surroundings.
Weaknesses: I can’t talk properly in English to save my life: it stems from my fear of public speaking and just being socially inept. I articulate nowhere near as eloquently as I write. Extemporaneous speaking is not my forte. The words come out all jumbled and not as well-planned as they were in my mind. Furthermore, I am accident-prone. I don’t take criticism as well I like to think I do because my perfectionism makes me believe that there can be few errors. I don’t like to have my mistakes seen by others. I sometimes concentrate on the flaws of others too much. I am indolent and indulgent to a fault. I have to be on task with things or else I’ll let them fall to the wayside and never pick them up again. I hate to lose and can be competitive; again, another possible strength or weakness. I am selfish and not always the most mature person present.
Bad Habits: I have this rather annoying habit of touching my face, mostly as a reflex and out of nervousness. I can’t pronounce ‘th’ (as in ‘the’ and ‘that’); it comes out as ‘duh’. I chew on my bottom lip a lot. I mumble. I procrastinate even when I know work really does need to be done. I swear like a sailor without meaning to.
Likes: Your mom. :p
…Okay, art, definitely. I am constantly drawing or doodling in the margins. I like to listen to music, ranging from classical to alternative to Japanese rock. Video games are kickass. I love to learn languages (except Spanish. No hablo Español.) and linguistics. I go to conventions and sew my own costumes for cosplay. I like to roleplay in my free time (and by free time, I mean twenty four-seven). I enjoy playing the piano. I can write fairly well, too. I like fruit, especially watermelon, and sweet food in general. Friends, too. They are great for having the dorkiest and most entertaining conversations ever.
Dislikes: I really don’t like bones breaking. It’s weird, but I can watch a movie with people being stabbed and shot at, but God forbid someone’s finger or leg is broken in front of me. I hate discrimination; people need to learn to exercise a little thing called tolerance. I hate talking on the phone. Even if they are useful for pulling all-nighters, energy drinks are disgusting, especially Red Bull. I really don’t like mornings; hell, I would use the Death Note to get rid of mornings, if it were somehow physically possible.
Hobbies: See ‘Likes’.
Talents: Drawing, writing, playing the piano… I’m very artsy. I think I can work problems out fairly well, too.
Interests: …See ‘Likes’ again?
Favourite character: L Lawliet. Surprise, surprise, I know. His popularity put aside, I like his approach to his objectives, knowing what lengths he’ll have to go to and how to go about them in order to reach his goals. Like his little idiosyncrasies, his methods are so unorthodox and extreme yet so efficient. And really, he’s a very unique guy - how often do you meet young, eccentric geniuses with a sweet tooth like that? - and has such depth to him.
Least favourite character: Eh…difficult. Mikami Teru, probably? He bothered me. He seemed like a very flat, two-dimensional character in comparison to the rest. Hell, I related much more to Misa than him. And he was just bat-shit crazy.
Would you use the Death Note?: Unless mornings became personified so that they could experience death? I have no idea. If I were Raito, I think I would ‘test’ the Death Note, too, out of skepticism, simple curiosity, and to amuse myself with the thought that I had ‘killed’ someone. Then, when I realized what it was capable of, I don’t think I could continue to use it without feeling even some guilt for taking another person’s life. I doubt I would get very far with my murdering spree either, even if I did. Not all of us were blessed to be teenage masterminds, you know.
Who would you use it on, and why?: Probably criminals that had slipped through the criminal justice system without receiving what they deserved. Like a murderer set free without charges, for example. But even then, I don’t think I could possibly believe that I personally have any right to do this.
Do you support Kira?: The concept behind Kira - cleanse the earth of criminals to make it a safer, better place - is good in theory, but no single person should be allowed to determine who they think deserves life and death. It’ll only turn out like it had for Raito, who began to kill to save his own skin.
Anything else you'd like to add?: …Man, I think I made this application overly serious. And lengthy.|D;; Or that’s just how I write. If that’s the vibe you received from reading this, then don’t mind it. I just felt like being brutally honest with myself, but I think I’m a bit more laidback than this.
Haha, I'm watching youuuuu. (I know it's not a clear photo, but I don't keep pictures of myself around.)
My five votes:
一 二 三 四 五