Name: Diana
Age: 24
Height: 169 cm. or 5'6"
Personality: responsible, caring, eclectic, geeky, bitchy/emo/dorky at times, values alone time as much as get-togethers, shy around new people, outgoing with friends and family, curious, humble and uncomfortable when overly-praised, lazy, procrastinates too much for her own good, over-analyzes stuff, lacks assertiveness.
Strengths: I'm good at school stuff, generally I do well in tests and projects. I'm a quick learner, a good listener and have decent spelling and grammar skills. I can cook and do most of the house chores (even though I don't really like to). I'm good at english even though it's not my first language.
Weaknesses: I'm insecure and have self-esteem issues but I can also look down on people and feel smarter than most (yeah, that doesn't really makes sense). I get hurt very easily, sometimes by the most stupid things (I can get over-sensitive). It's difficult for me to "fall in love" (or what I believe is love, can't be sure though), but when I do it takes a lot to get over said person. I wish I could be more assertive (I can't say no most of the times) and also more willing to take risks (I always play it safe).
Bad Habits: procrastination and lazyness.
Likes: coffee, reading, TV, movies, music, pandas, stormy nights, gray skies, dogs, cows, the moon, chocolate, pasta, sushi, chinese food, wikipedia, youtube, LJ, anime, manga, sleeping, saturdays, friends, family, sci-fi, fantasy, horror, tests and quizzes, rating communities.
Dislikes: sharks and crocodiles (most big animals), papaya, mondays, doing reports and power point presentations, being pitied, people rubbing my errors in my face, waking up early, animal cruelty.
Hobbies: reading, listening to music, reading manga, watching TV/movies/manga, doing quizzes and tests, singing (albeit really off-key ^^').
Talents: Nothing special like playing an instrument or practicing a sport. I'd say my talents are my strengths.
Interests: errr, aren't those the same as my likes?
Favourite character: at first it was Raito in all his glory and mindfuckery, but then L died and I realized I was going to miss him too much, to the point where I was considering stop reading the rest of the manga. I thought better about it and continued reading, but it just wasn't the same. So yeah, L seconded by Raito. Oh, and Matsuda is third, he cracks me up.
Least favourite character: Takada, I find her really annoying. I know a lot of people hate Misa, but I really think she was smarter and a hell funnier than Takada.
Would you use the Death Note?: Nope, I have a very guilty conscience and I would be tormented by my actions for the rest of my life.
Who would you use it on, and why?: If I had to, then I'd get rid of pedophiles and rapists. I think those are the worst and most disgusting kind of criminals (and human beings in general).
Do you support Kira?: Tough question. I don't support what he does, but I can understand his vision and admire his intelligence and character. If he were real I would probably be outraged by his doings, but be secretly relieved someone was doing something to better the world.
Anything else you'd like to add?: Nope.
My five votes!: I only found these four apps that needed votes, but if someone points me to another one I will vote.
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