Jun 05, 2007 21:20
Name: Alyssa
Who were you previously stamped as? Sayu, Shinigami theme: Jealous
Age: 18
What gender are you looking for? preferably male ^^
Are you willing to be paired with a Shinigami? um...sure why not? XDDD
Likes: anime/manga, video games, singing, piano, listening to music, going online, hanging out with friends, cute things, sweets, eating, sleeping
Dislikes: mean people, annoying people, getting up early, too much sarcasm, when people tell me to multiple tasks ALL AT THE SAME TIME!!! DDDX
What traits do you look for in a partner? sweet, caring, can be romantic, willing to listen to me, won't hurt me, won't say hurtful things to me, perhaps even a sense of humor, willing to have fun, also, someone who's willing to let me get to know them and not keep too many secrets from me...i'd understand if he'd hesitate to tell me about himself though ^__^
What traits do you dislike in a partner? unwilling to listen to what i have to say, cold, abusive. I'd also hate to have someone who just uses me or has me around to show off DX
Which side do you prefer: The investigation team or the Kira worshippers? The investigations team. Criminal investigations have always intrigued me o.o
If you had a Death Note, how would you use it? Well...I wouldn't write in it...I'd feel really bad about killing someone. I guess...I'd just keep it to myself until the shinigami who owns it comes back for it o.o
What would be your idea of a first date? Something romantic. ^^ Like maybe, he'd take me out to dinner and we'd talk and get to know each other. Then, I guess a walk in a nice, quiet area like a park or something. ^^
Would you consider yourself:
Compassionate or Just? Hmm...I think I'm in the middle...but slightly more compassionate
Introvert or Extrovert? Again, in the middle. I'm fairly outgoing when I'm with my friends, but there are things that I'd rather just keep to myself and deal with on my own.
Laid-back or uptight? Laid-back mostly ^^
Logical or impulsive? Hmm...I think I'm in the middle with this one...but leaning a bit more on the logical side.
Cautious or Gung-ho? I'm more cautious. ^^
What would your prefer in your significant other?:
Looks or personality (What comes first)? Personality for me. Someone may have a pretty face, but not a pretty inside. I don't really pay too much attention to looks when it comes to love. I just really care about how loving the person is to me. ^^
Compassionate or Just? Hmm...I'd say he should have a fairly good balance of both...but...perhaps lean just a little bit more to the compassionate side ^^
Introvert or Extrovert? It doesn't really matter to me...just as long as he allows me to get to know him. I would want him to tell me if there's anything wrong, cause naturally, I'm a person who likes to help people when they're feeling down.
Laid-back or uptight? Laid-back, but not too relaxed ^^
Logical or impulsive? Hmm...I guess..impulsive, but he should at least think about his actions a little bit before acting on them ^^
Cautious or Gung-ho? It doesn't really matter I guess...He just has to know his limits.
Loud or quiet? In the middle ^^
Anything else? nope, not really ^^
stamped; paired with matsuda