Name: Panida (pa-nee-da)
Who were you previously stamped as?
Matsuda & Naomi
April Theme: Jealous
Age: 17
What gender are you looking for? I prefer the male variety but if a female's absolutely perfect for me then go for it
Are you willing to be paired with a Shinigami? haha, sure. How many chances do you prospectively get to be matched with a god of death xD?
Likes: anime, manga, videogames, mythology, languages, Tolkien, thunderstorms, loitering
Dislikes: over-confidence, insensitivity, starfish, catipillars ;__;
What traits do you look for in a partner? Someone who I just feel comfortable with, that can make me "awwh" x) Sweet and compassionate; someone who can make me smile even when I don't want to. The ability to have both cracky conversations of randomosity as well as conversations with substance is great. Possibly sentimental like me, haha. Superficially speaking, a good build and being easy on the eyes is a plus ;D
What traits do you dislike in a partner? over-confidence & insensitivity like in my dislikes, someone who's overly flirty with others or treats me horribly (well, I suppose that's a given xD). Dishonesty, those who are overly dominant or overly servile
Which side do you prefer: The investigation team or the Kira worshippers? Investigation Team, die-hard and overly zealous worshippers of anything rub me the wrong way
If you had a Death Note, how would you use it? Well, assuming I'd know what it did -- I wouldn't. However, if it just fell into my life a la Raito's death note first DN acquisition, I'd probably tell my friends about it & possibly test it to see if it was real together since I probably wouldn't believe it'd really have that power.
What would be your idea of a first date? Hrm, just somewhere where we can get to know eachother, chat, laugh -- fluffy moments ensue
Would you consider yourself:
Compassionate or Just? I think a mix of both.
Introvert or Extrovert? Again, a mix of both. I can come off
Laid-back or uptight? somewhere in between again; I can be quite "whatever" but I'm also a worrier but I wouldn't descirbe myself as totally "uptight"
Logical or impulsive? Logical, I'm hardly impulsive at all, though I'm more prone to impulse when it comes to good food or fun x)
Cautious or Gung-ho? Well, I'm an enthusiastic person but tieing in with the logical answer above, I try to think before I act or make decisions and have a cautious nature.
What would your prefer in your significant other?:
Looks or personality (What comes first)? Looks are what catches my attention but the personality is what keeps me x) A great personality can also win me over.
Compassionate or Just? A happy medium.
Introvert or Extrovert? leaning towards extroverted but not overly outgoing.
Laid-back or uptight? laid-back but not apathetic
Logical or impulsive? impulsive enough to add some excitement but the logic's gotta be there as well. (hahaha, I'm so sorry that most of these are along the lines of a "both" answer)
Cautious or Gung-ho? inbetween :X
Loud or quiet? Loud, but not obnoxiously so. People who are too quiet make me feel like I'm yelling and being overly domineering when I'm just speaking normally ^^;
Anything else? that's it x)