Aug 19, 2009 23:21
It's true that Death Note is one of my favorite series of all time, but when I think of the others that emotionally impacted me, I've noticed that I'm pretty rarely persuaded to be active in the fandom. In some series, I feel that everything that needed to be said was expressed in the actual canon, so I'm content with my own thoughts/opinions. In Death Note, on the other hand, I feel like I can't explore it enough. For one, there is so much "behind the scenes" and time gaps that we're triggered to make our own assumptions about what we don't see. According to interview, Ohba deliberately didn't focus on relationships and emotional aspects of the series, but I never felt that the characters were stiff - on the contrary, they all felt so real that they also invited the reader to fill in the blanks and imagine who they are and how they think.
That, aside from the pondering of justice, good/evil, etc.
How do you feel Death Note compares to other series when it comes to how inclined you are to talk about it with other fans, draw fanart, write fanfiction, participate in discussions (such as this, ahem)?
On that note, is there anything that you particularly like or dislike about Death Note's fandom?