Remember how, way back when, I made an April Fools post saying I was quitting the community? Back then, I never would have dreamed that I'd have to do it for real.
First of all, I want to apologize. I haven't been any good at maintaining the community these past few months. Part of this is because I recently moved, part of it is because I got distracted by real life, and part of it is just not being into the fandom anymore. I still love Death Note, I always will, but I do not currently feel like there's anything left for me to explore within the fandom. Many of you have similarly lost interest, in both the fandom and
dn_contest in particular. I thought I could keep running this place despite these things, but it's come to the point where I can't even remember the deadlines. I used to plan out prompt ideas and special events weeks in advance. We used to have up to 20 entries some weeks, now one, two, or three is more common. Things have changed, and I think it's time to move on. After week #104, which I have put up a voting post for so that the authors who participated can be recognized for their work,
dn_contest is officially closed for business. And in case anyone is worried, I will not delete the community--I will leave it as is. There is too much amazing work archived here to get rid of it.
dn_contest has been a wonderful experience for me. I had the privilege of reading some of the best Death Note fanfiction I have ever seen in my life, and I wrote stories I didn't think myself capable of. I also met kickass, amazing people, some of whom became close friends. I found out how generous some people could be--every banner maker who selflessly made gorgeous banners every week for months has been a godsend. Each and every one of you has been instrumental in making this community the great thing it was, and I can't thank you enough for participating. I hope that you all had as wonderful an experience as I did, and I'm sorry that it has to end now.
I love you guys. May you continue with your amazing writing, whether it's within the Death Note fandom or not. Thank you so much for everything you've done.