Death Note Anonymous Kink Meme

Oct 24, 2007 03:02

Welcome to the Death Note Anonymous Kink Meme!

How it works:

* Comment anonymously with a kinkfic request. All requests must contain a character or pairing/threesome/moresome (any combination of guys/girls/shinigami/whatever are OK, crossovers are fine too), and at least one kink. If you need inspiration, check out this huge list of kinks by eliade. ( Read more... )

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Re: OP anonymous July 31 2009, 03:33:26 UTC
No, I know, but I'm such a huge supporter of it... I think Misa gets a lot of undeserved hate because people see her as dumb/weak, but I see her as quite the opposite. I wouldn't personally follow in her footsteps and choose to knowingly be used by a guy, but after all the crap that happened to her even before she met Light, I think it was very brave to go through everything she did to find him, and live for something she truly believed in - probably the only thing left for her as she saw it, honestly.

And, at least in the anime, Light asks Misa to live with him after looking VERY numb and lonely thinking about L. I don't think it's quite like that in the manga, but it all depends on which storyline you choose to follow.

...and pretty much everything you just listed is a huge squick for me. SO, to each her own. And if you like a specific character with any guy you find hot, you're probably not looking for plot anyway, so all my points just go out the window too. But hey, this is a kink meme, so I shouldn't expect much plot anyway.

In any case, Rem DOES have this weird protruding pelvic thingy on her crotch, which even though it squicks me I've always wondered if anyone's picked up on that and used it as fuel. XD


Re: OP anonymous July 31 2009, 03:57:10 UTC
To be fair to both sides, this series has about ten times as many boys as it does girls...statistically (preferences aside) there will be more yaoi.


Re: OP anonymous July 31 2009, 04:27:52 UTC
Valid point, but it does seem we yaoi fangirls tend to dominate fandoms where there should be plenty of het or yuri pairings.

I wonder why. Are we just that more open or agressive when it comes to writing stories?


Re: OP anonymous July 31 2009, 05:37:49 UTC
OP here again - I think it's because it's more of what you don't get to see in the series. Don't get me wrong, I love yaoi with the right pairing - I'm a huge L/Light fan, so I know all about picking up on the subtleties and ambiguities thrown in there throughout the series.

I think people see a canon pairing like Light/Misa and either jump to the conclusion that he has NO interest in her whatsoever... or they say, "oh, it's already been established, they are together, there is nothing more to explore here."

Gahh, but there is SO much more to explore with them; there are possibly just as many subtleties in the series for them as there are for L/Light, if you look for them. And it's not like "awww, he really DOES love her deep down!" not at ALL... it's more like "Damn, this is deliciously dysfunctional and hot." I love that pairing so much.


Re: OP anonymous July 31 2009, 04:25:29 UTC
I never thought of Misa as a strong character. Let me try to rephrase that, I've never put the time in to evaluate if Misa had a strong character or not. It's not that I don't like her, it's just never crossed my mind. I guess because she's not one of my top favorite characters.

But she is, isn't she? Most people would easily crumble if faced with her circumstances (family killed in front of her, almost killed herself, having it revealed that she should have died then). But she's also become a cold character, a fact she lets out when she happily tells Rem that she knew exactly what Misa was thinking (which was to kill Rem).

Now that I think about it, Misa has a lot of unexplored character. I think I'd like to read a development/psychological fic about her (god knows I've read a shit ton on Matsuda). It gives me a better understanding why people pair her with Matsuda on the rare ocassion. They're kinda alike.

...where the hell did that come from? XD

Anyway, the reason why I through Rem pairings in there was because I actully found a fic that switched out shinigami with Light and Misa. My thought's led me from there. Then I found another story where Matsuda and Rem sorta became friends and, again, my mind went from there. Might need to make more kink requests, lol.


Re: OP anonymous July 31 2009, 05:28:20 UTC
Yes. YES. Thank you, you get it!! :D LOL I am so defensive of her (and her with Light, obviously; I really think he keeps her around because she's a comfort, she will always do whatever he says and he probably finds that soothing)... and yes, I am in love with defensive of Matsuda too. I'm a HUGE Matsuda/Sayu shipper (currently working on an epically long fic for them) but I also really enjoy Matsuda/Misa for the exact reasons you just said - they are really similar.

And yeah, totally, go for it with the requests; it's always worth a shot even if it's unpopular. We both know that. XD


Re: OP anonymous July 31 2009, 05:40:47 UTC
Urrr, actually, to add to my above comment, do you want to take this to the discussion post? I'm very much interested in any of Matsuda fics you mentioned, and I have a really quick one-shot I wrote in Misa's voice that you may be interested in. I'll leave a comment at the discussion post, let me know~


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