Death Note Anonymous Kink Meme

Oct 24, 2007 03:02

Welcome to the Death Note Anonymous Kink Meme!

How it works:

* Comment anonymously with a kinkfic request. All requests must contain a character or pairing/threesome/moresome (any combination of guys/girls/shinigami/whatever are OK, crossovers are fine too), and at least one kink. If you need inspiration, check out this huge list of kinks by eliade. ( Read more... )

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Re: The Shinigami Wing Deal (ch 2 pt 1) anonymous January 23 2011, 01:52:27 UTC
"Shh," Ryuk attempted to comfort Light by running his claws through his hair. Light flinched.
Ryuk looked annoyed. He's acting like I'm going to rape him! Ryuk was unsure about humans and their ridiculous notions on morality but he knew that "rape" was bad... but it's not "rape" if you agreed to it, right? Under Shinigami law he was well within his rights to just take him regardless of Light's feelings on the matter... but that wouldn't do. Not at all. Light was the first human in centuries to accept his offer. And the very first pretty one ever-he wasn't about to squander it. And it would be no fun if Light was scared of him all the time... Ryuk loved how brazen Light was-indeed he was the first human who wasn't scared of him. He didn't want to break his favorite toy...
No, the best way to go was to convince the prideful teen that he wanted this and that it had been his idea to begin with... (And it was, he agreed to it, after all!)
"Isn't it what you wanted, Light? I can make you God. All you have to do is submit to me..."
Light whimpered as Ryuk ground against him.
"This is all part of the ritual. It's not too much of a price to ask?"
Ryuk was eager to begin as soon as possible. After all, he had waited five centuries... for this... but...
"...Just one virgin sacrifice?" Ryuk joked.
"Sh-shut up!" Light was blushing madly as the humiliation temporarily overrode his fear.
Oh shit... I was right. Ryuk gently wiped the tears leaking from his eyes as he chuckled "I promise I'll make it... special for you."
Light glared hatefully. That was a good sign. He hadn't broken him, yet anyway...
"Wouldn't you have agreed anyway, even if you knew the specifics?" Ryuk pointed out reasonably as he continued with his reassuring touches. "As Deals go it's not a bad bargain, don't you think?"
Ryuk could hear Light whispering brokenly "I'd do anything... It's worth it... anything for my perfect world... Anything to be… but... but... Sex slave to the Shinigami?"
Ryuk growled at that (Light would very much have liked to shrink away... if Ryuk weren't holding him down, his arms pinned above his head.) "No. Not to the Shinigami. Just to me and me alone!" Ryuk declared possessively. "You're mine! Just like I hold the sole rights to your name..."
Ryuk let that little reminder sink in...
If I don't... he'll... he'll write my name down...
"I own you! No other Shinigami may touch you. And nothing else can harm you!" Ryuk smirked down at Light with that fangy grin. "Now I am the only thing that can kill you..." So you best keep me happy.
"I-I didn't know that..." Light squeaked out.
"Yes, you must know you've gained plenty of attention in the Shinigami realm-none of it good. But I've protected you from the moment you picked up the Death Note. You owe me. You should be grateful to me."
Light swallowed. "I am... grateful... to you, Ryuk."
"Hyuk. Almost right... Say that again, like you mean it this time, and address me as Master."
Light clenched his teeth and looked away in shame. "I am grateful to you, Master."
Insolence! But he'll learn; he's a fast learner… Ryuk didn't want him broken, but he would mold him into the role, that was, after all, the Deal... "Look at me!" Ryuk demanded. "Again!"
Light met Ryuk's eyes. They were hard but Light could also see... concern? Ryuk was concerned about him? Light held onto that glimmer of hope like a lifeline. Perhaps he could get out of this yet...


Re: The Shinigami Wing Deal (ch 2 pt 2) anonymous January 23 2011, 01:56:19 UTC
"I am grateful to you, Master." Light said softly and was surprised to realize that he did mean it. If nothing else then for the little things, like the fact that Ryuk hadn't raped him... yet.
"How grateful?" Ryuk demanded.
"Very grateful," Light insisted.
"Show me." Ryuk leered as he leaned over and kissed him. Light tentatively kissed him back. Ryuk smiled in victory and continued to attack Light with claws and tongue. Ryuk noticed as Light relaxed a bit and had even unconsciously spread his legs when Ryuk licked at his inner thigh. He decided to reward him by spreading his wings and teasing him with the feathers. Ryuk smiled in satisfaction as Light's whimpering became less out of fear and more out of desire; he soon could no longer hold back the sounds Ryuk's actions were eliciting.
"Please Ryuk!" Light gasped, as he wantonly lifted his hips when Ryuk began to pump him. He was no longer sure if he meant stop or... something else. Ryuk took it to be the latter. As he covertly aligned his finger and phased in unnoticed until...
"Urk!" Light suddenly felt very full and very weird at the alien sensation of Ryuk's fingers up his ass and "OH!" Light threw his head back as Ryuk continued to play with him. "Ryuk! We could get caught in here!" Light wheedled desperately.
Sure it was 4:30 in the morning and his mother and sister should be asleep, his father was staying out all night again to catch the bad guys (well... him this time-but he'd understand one day, surely...) and most importantly, he had watched his F.B.I. stalker leave around two when he had pretended to go to sleep. But...
"Hyuk! My thoughts exactly..." Ryuk commented as Light tried to stifle a moan as Ryuk dragged his claws against his prostate. "...especially if you're going to be that loud." Light yelped as Ryuk picked him up bodily with one hand not pausing with his "play" and held him to his chest. Light wildly clung to Ryuk as he hit that spot again easily distracting Light as he spread his wings and leapt out the window and into the freezing night. Light had the passing thought that he was glad that his F.B.I. stalker had, indeed, already left for the night because surely any sighting of "naked flying boy" would get reported back to L. Light tightly clung to Ryuk... just for warmth and fear of falling... really...? He shuddered with need as Ryuk did that thing again. Ryuk then withdrew his fingers, leaving him feeling oddly empty… and a terrible need. Light's fluttering eyes opened to find that they were drifting among the clouds, the buildings looked like toys far below.
"Don't worry. I'm not going to drop you," Ryuk said as he felt Light's grip tightening. "But I need you to keep holding on, just in case…"
Keeping his hold on Light, Ryuk lay flat in the sky, floating on his back, with Light lying on top of him so that they both got the romantic view of the stars above. Light groaned as he felt Ryuk pressing against him that's when he realized… he wasn't afraid anymore. And as much as he wanted to deny it… he wanted this. Light whined when Ryuk pumped him a few more times and then held him to prevent him from coming.
"It's been a while," Ryuk warned. "I might get carried away…" Ryuk unbuckled his belt and loincloth… and wrapped it loosely around Light's neck. Save the trouble of having to find it later. Light shuddered as the leather and hide tickled his chest, his every nerve felt supercharged… he knew it must be freezing up here but he felt like he was on fire. Then Light realized what Ryuk was saying...
"Wha-! Here!" Here, among the clouds in the shivering cold with that sea of stars twinkling above them. Floating here like Gods in the heavens, far above the human scum... It was... so beautiful...
"Hyuk. Yes. Thought we'd do it up here, away from prying eyes and ears," Light could hear the smugness in his voice. "Told you I'd make it special."


Re: The Shinigami Wing Deal (ch 2 pt 3) anonymous January 23 2011, 01:59:03 UTC
Light keened as Ryuk got into position.
"Do you want this Light?" Ryuk breathed into his ear.
"Last chance... to go back…"
Go back?
"If you want out... Woops, forgot to tell you. Hyuk. The Deal isn't sealed until I take you for the first time. So if you want out, now's the time..."
Now he tells me? (Forgot? Yeah right...) But that means I can still go back... If I agree... Light tried to remind himself that he would be stuck doing this... with Ryuk... forever... oh! (Why didn't that seem so horrible now?)
...and there went the rest of his rational mind as Ryuk ground against him again...
Go back? NO WAY! Never! Not even worth considering...
"Ryuk... please?"
Ryuk cackled at the eagerness in Light's voice.
"Address me as Master," Ryuk corrected.
"Master... please, Master?"
"Please, what?"
"Fff-fuck!" Light hissed as Ryuk slowly drew his tongue across his skin.
"What do you want, slave?"
This was driving him insane!
"Hyuk. That's better."
Light's fingers turned white as he clawed into Ryuk's back as he tried and failed to keep from screaming as it felt like he was being ripped apart.
"So... tight!"
"It hurts..." Light cried. Too big! He's too big! Light hadn't even adjusted to the feeling when Ryuk began to pound. "It HURTS!"
"Shut up! You're not human! You can take it!" Ryuk snarled.
Oh too slowly the pain was overridden as Ryuk hit that spot every time.
"Oh, Light-o!" Ryuk groaned as Light eagerly lifted his hips meeting each thrust.
As wave after wave built up inside him, Light was driven utterly insane "Ryu-Master! MASTER! OH, YOU FUCKING SHINIGAMI! Oh! OH FUCK! MASTER! DON'T STOP!"
"LIGHT-O..." Ryuk roared as he came hard. At the same time, Ryuk had released his hold on Light, finally letting him come too.
"MASTER!" Light screamed and then they were torn asunder as something else had exploded out. The wings had erupted out of his back in a white avian rainfall.
And then he was falling.


The Shinigami Wing Deal (ch 3 pt 1) anonymous January 23 2011, 05:23:14 UTC
Light's eyes snapped open as he felt the claws sink into his shoulder and hold him in a vice grip.
"Light-o. I got you!"
That's right I was... falling... I must have passed out... and...
Light felt very contented as he felt the wind blowing all against him, through his hair, beneath his... wings...
His.. wings...
He looked down and saw how the rooftops sped below them.
"We're... flying..."
Ryuk grinned and released his hold on Light's shoulder and clarified. "You're flying."
Light giggled and whooped with mad delight as he and Ryuk streaked across the dawning sky.
They snuck back into Light's room through the balcony window. Light retracted his new wings and blushed as Ryuk brushed his claws against him as he retrieved his belt and loin cloth from where he'd hung it around Light's neck... Light noticed Ryuk was still looking very smug...
Light could only hope that Ryuk wasn't lying about this whole Deal NOT interfering in his plans and that Ryuk would remember his place. There was no way Light would let Ryuk be "Master" outside of the bedroom (well they did it outside the bedroom but that was beside the point).
After all, he was the God of the New World and Ryuk was like his... pet. (No, that's wrong, that's oh so wrong! You don't let your pets fuck you!) Ryuk was like his... what? Sidekick? Roommate? Buddy? We're not exactly friends... He'll kill me the moment he gets bored. Well to be perfectly honest-even knowing that-Ryuk is the closest thing to a REAL friend I have. He's-he's the only one who understands! The only one I can be myself around! The only one that I... True, he's not that bright but... admit it-you like feeling superior to the demonic monster that can easily kill you. Without Ryuk where would you be? Wasting away in this boring life with no purpose...
Master is the best thing that ever happened to me!
Yes. Master... Ryuk IS my friend. My best friend! (Friends with benefits). I'm glad I made this Deal. I have no regrets. Light thought as he put on some nightclothes and snuck off to the bathroom to shower and check the... damage. He inspected himself in the mirror. Well he looked exhausted but that was to be expected after staying up all night... doing what they did. (It's not fair. Ryuk doesn't get tired. Shinigami only sleep because they're lazy.)
He inspected his back (more scratches and bruises) but the important thing was that when the wings were retracted there was no indication that they were there. His back looked normal...
Light stepped into the shower and began to clean himself and...
Yes he was bleeding up there... that damn Shinigami...
"Mind if I join you?"
Light startled as Ryuk phased on in through the wall.
Speak of the Devil.
"Ryuk! Mom and Sayu might be up by now..."
"Then you'd better be quiet... and if they ask... just let them think you're jacking off." Ryuk smirked as he wrapped one of his long arms possessively around Light's hips.
Ryuk smirked. "You mean Master."
Oh fuck! They just did this? Why was he aching for it!
Light groaned "Alright!" He relented and obediently spread his legs as Ryuk teased him... and continued to tease him...
"Go ahead," Light insisted.
Ryuk ignored him and continued with the little touches that he knew drove Light wild.
"Ryuk! Fuck me already!"
"Uh uh uh! Manners. Say the magic words!"
"Please, Master?"
"Good boy," Ryuk smirked as he took him again... and Light bit the loofah to keep from screaming.
DAMN SHINIGAMI!...OH GOD! Light thought as he was pressed up against the chill porcelain of the shower wall.
Well... shower-time certainly proved counterproductive...


Re: The Shinigami Wing Deal (ch 3 pt 2) anonymous January 23 2011, 05:26:34 UTC
Light inspected himself in the mirror again. He silently unfurled and admired his new wings. They were snowy white but scorched a bit black and red around the edges so they looked really cool...
"Yes... very pretty." Ryuk assured him.
"Pretty! I-" Light was annoyed to be called such and found, to his further annoyance, that he couldn't get mad at Ryuk for calling him that. Indeed his heart fluttered and that goofy grin refused to leave his face at the thought of I please Master!
Light could see what was happening to him...
Wha-what is this feeling! Is this... maybe this is a side-effect of the Deal itself? This is... this is bad. This is really bad... If I can't control this... Master... RYUK... wasn't kidding when he meant Slave. I'm... I'm losing it... I'm losing myself...
...but he could do nothing to stop it...
Ryuk cackled as Light inspected the new marks he had left. While most of them were strategically placed so they could be easily hidden under long sleeved clothes there was one gash on his cheek.
Ryuk cackled even louder as Light retrieved his sister's makeup kit to cover it up...
Yes, that looked completely normal...
"What no eyeliner?"
Light ignored him.
"How about lip gloss?"
Light glowered. "It's your fault!"
"Oh, sorry your highness..." Ryuk smirked. "All hail... Queen of the New World."
Light leveled an icy stare and said with a perfectly straight face "I'm not gay."
What followed was forty seconds of dead silence... followed by an explosion of laughter so loud that Light was sure that the neighbors would hear... (Despite the mystical restrictions and all that...)
When Ryuk's chuckling finally subsided to a level where he could communicate...
"Hyuk hyuk! Light-o, Hyuk! You do realize Hyuk! that what we do..."
"You mean what you did to me..."
"Oh, Light-o. So you don't enjoy what we do?" Light blushed crimson as he felt Ryuk's hand on his ass, the slight contact sending a shiver up his spine. A soft moan ripped past his lips as Ryuk gave it a squeeze. "Hyuk. My mistake..."
Light was trembling from this brief contact and... Oh fucking hell! Again? I'm sore and bloody... and I fucking need it again! NO! Absolutely not! I'm NOT gay! Light thought with great frustration. And I don't enjoy being your SLAVE! This... It has to be another side-effect!
"I'm not gay," Light hissed.
"Just who are you trying to convince, Light-o?"
"I'm not..."
"RIGHT... and you're not Kira either... You know Light-o; I don't pretend to understand you humans but this can't be healthy..."
"I can have any girl I want!" Light snapped defensively. "Just watch, I'll call one up right now!"
"Hyuk." That's not the issue, you know... Ryuk smiled knowingly. "Go right ahead and play with the humans, I don't mind. In fact, I encourage it. More experience for pleasing me."


The Shinigami Wing Deal (ch 3 pt 3) anonymous January 23 2011, 05:30:09 UTC
Despite his current little identity crisis, when Light strutted on into the kitchen looking utterly content and not having a care in the world... for once it wasn't a mask.
"You're up early for a Saturday, Light," his mother greeted him.
Of course, Light wasn't about to mention that he had been up all night... "I'm going out today so I went to bed early last night," Light explained as he sat down for breakfast and…
Ow these chairs! Light tried to avoid making a face as he sat down. There were no cushions-just hardwood.
Ryuk was floating above him looking smug. "You can still sit? I should do you harder next time."
At that Light's contented grin widened without his knowledge or consent.
As their mother retreated into the kitchen Sayu whispered across the table. "Eh Oniisan!"
"What is it, Sayu?" Light wondered what homework assignment he would have to do for her... er... help her with this time...
"Who's your secret lover?"
Light dropped his chopsticks with a clatter. "What?" Yeah, Light, REAL smooth...
Sayu smirked. "You're positively glowing! You look exhausted and we both know you don't need to study. So who is she?"
Light sweat-dropped. Sayu was far more observant than he gave her credit for... (He really, truly hoped he wouldn't have to kill her because of it...)
Light concentrated hard on his oatmeal. "Hey, what's with the interrogation?"
"Why so defensive? I KNEW IT! There is someone-about time! So who is it?"
Ryuk cackled because Sayu got that same, determined 'I'm going to win no matter what' look that Light often wore... and looked about ready to start stabbing her brother with her chopsticks if she didn't get some answers. Well, as they say, blood will tell.
"C'mon can't you can tell your sister?"
Yes this oatmeal is very interesting. It required further study. "I have a date with Yuri this morning." There that should shut her up...
"Ooh... So it's Yuri then?"
Or... not...
"It must be serious though, to have you looking like that!" Sayu giggled noticing the luminescent blush spreading across her brother's face.
Oh no... It's THAT OBVIOUS! DAMMIT! This is how IDIOTS get caught!
"Are you going to marry her? Do you want to spend the rest of your life with her forever and ever and...?"
Light felt a vein popping in his forehead as his sister kept pestering him and... and Ryuk wouldn't stop laughing...
"So it's not Yuri. Ooh scandalous!"
"Sayu, leave your brother alone," Sachiko scolded as she brought in the morning tea.
"But mom! I'm about to find out about Light's secret lover!"
"Oh really? Now I want to know too..."
"Oh my, look at the time," Light exclaimed and shot up out of his chair "I'd better not keep Yuri waiting..."
"Don't think you're off the hook! I'll make you spill everything when you get back, okay!" Sayu shouted, oh-so-sweetly, after Light's retreating form.


The Shinigami Wing Deal (ch 3 pt 4) anonymous January 23 2011, 05:31:12 UTC
The Shinigami Rules of (Slave) Ownership:
I. The Slave is a Human imbued with the powers of the Shinigami but under Shinigami law is considered neither Human nor Shinigami so a Shinigami may take a slave as his/her mate.
II. A Shinigami may only take a Notebook Owner as their Slave.
III. The Slave lives only to protect and serve the Master. The Slave will always be ready and willing to obey the Master's every command.
IV. The Slave will be desired by all but the Slave will only find satisfaction with his/her Master.
V. Only the Master can kill the Slave only by using the (original) Master's Death Note. The Slave will also die if they do not replenish their lifespan and if he/she lets his/her numbers run out.
VI. In the event of the numbers running out and the Slave is about to be murdered if the Shinigami Master attempts to save the Slave by using his/her Death Note, the Master will die.
VII. Only the Master has Ownership of the Slave. However the Master may be coerced into giving up Ownership if a higher-ranking Shinigami wants the Slave.
IIX. If a Slave forfeits ownership of the Death Note they will lose all memories of the Notebook, however they will retain their Slave status and powers as well as any lifespan accumulated while in possession of the Notebook. But the Slave cannot gain any additional lifespan unless they reclaim ownership of the Notebook.
IX. If a Slave forfeits ownership of the Death Note or in the unlikely event that the Master dies, Ownership of the Slave is transferred to the one the Slave is bound to in the Human World.
X. If the Slave becomes bound to the Human World, the Original Shinigami Master can reclaim ownership if he/she wishes by giving the Slave another Death Note but only after the numbers run out for the Human Master.
XI. The Master is under no obligation to explain the rules of Ownership.


OP here anonymous February 6 2011, 21:42:09 UTC
Hey - that was brill.

I liked the mindfuck going on with the rules clouding Light's thoughts and feelings XD


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