Death Note Anonymous Kink Meme

Oct 24, 2007 03:02

Welcome to the Death Note Anonymous Kink Meme!

How it works:

* Comment anonymously with a kinkfic request. All requests must contain a character or pairing/threesome/moresome (any combination of guys/girls/shinigami/whatever are OK, crossovers are fine too), and at least one kink. If you need inspiration, check out this huge list of kinks by eliade. ( Read more... )

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Fill part 4 anonymous August 26 2010, 14:12:06 UTC
The utter silence in which everything was performed was somehow the worst thing about it, made Light choke on his own gasps, ears filled with the rasping of his breath and organic sounds forming a soundtrack he could have done without.

The rational, detective part of his mind knew L didn't want to risk a workable voice print, but the human part (acknowledging its own helplessness and lack of forethought, and that there was pretty much no way this was going to go any way other than the way L wanted it to) wanted reassurance, treatment that recognized he was a little more aware than a blowup doll. A muttered 'relax' wasn't much to ask. It wouldn't help in the slightest, but he would've appreciated the sentiment.

Eventually. Maybe. In a few years perhaps, when he might be able look at this as an educational experience in not trusting anyone and properly analyzing a situation before agreeing to something.

L's fingers withdrew with a slick noise that somehow brought bile to Light's throat, and he started thrashing about in earnest when L finally dropped his wrists - everything in pieces again, the noise of a zipper, the brisk maneuvering of body and limbs (a small part noting wryly, this must look ridiculous/perverse), fingers digging into his hips, holding him still--

He couldn't remember why he'd agreed to this. He stared at L's face - so close, it was like he'd never seen him before - and tried not to panic, not to think about the heat and pressure and slick lubricated slide closer and closer to--

He threw his head back and bit his lip desperately to prevent the noise that threatened to leave him, something between a wail and a scream, as L pushed into him. There was nothing except L, L inside him where he shouldn't be, L pressing him into a bed he could barely feel, so distracted by the pain and the strangeness and invasive, inescapable feel of him, L kissing him, forcing his mouth open, swallowing any sound he might make.

When he came back to himself, when L's face stopped blurring and the room started making sense as background, Light realized L hadn't moved any further, held himself poised above him with extended arms, looking down. Light took a shaky breath.

Should have screamed, observed a cold, dispassionate voice in the back of his head, the part of him willing to falsify evidence, willing to offer his body for a case, willing to do anything, anything at all to win. Never mind your pride, never mind the humiliation, think how well a scream would have served this, furthered the purpose of this.

Light curled his fingers into the sheets, reminded himself - can't go on forever, will stop, will end sooner with less damage if you play along, chose this - and forced himself to relax.

L smiled, and Light closed his eyes as he began to slide out. Closed his eyes even tighter as he slid back in, as it became a steady rhythm he started to breathe to, his entire body shuddering with the eventual force of the thrusts.

There was a sound in his ears, gasps that were almost sobs, soothing in their repetitiveness, like the tide, until he realized at some point they'd transmuted into the most pathetic mewling noises, realized oh. That's me.

L curved over him, sealed his mouth to his ear, wet and warm and “Look at me,” he whispered.

Light opened his eyes.

L came with a moan.


Fill part 5 anonymous August 26 2010, 14:53:59 UTC

L tangled his fingers in his hair; Light lay still and tracked his movements with something more than his usual situational awareness. It felt as if every part of him ached beneath the skin, bone-deep. He waited for his body to tell him it would be okay to move from his curled up position, and wondered what it was slicking his thighs and if he really wanted to know the answer.

He laughed, a distant, croaky noise that wasn't very amused. “I can't even remember how you managed to convince me to do this,” he said in tone of distant wonder.

L continued to stroke his hair gently, studying him intently as if - for all they had just done - he hadn't seen enough to properly appreciate what had just been beneath him. “You are beautiful,” he said, in the same clinical tone a scientist might use.

It made Light feel a little better, that detachment. As if nothing had just occurred.

“...You'll get rid of those tapes when the investigation's over with, I trust,” he said as evenly as possible, gingerly pulling his arms to his chest to rub at his bruising wrists.

“Of course,” L agreed. “By the time L has finished taking that gang apart, anything showing one of their members on camera with his quite literal boytoy will be long gone.”

Light tried to ignore the new, different kind of intimacy in L's voice. He didn't like the type of familiarity that now colored L's words - I've seen you naked, I've felt you from the inside. “Talking about yourself in third person is the first sign of madness, you know.”

“Really,” L said. His hands were curling around Light's knees, pulling them away from his body, the defensive position they'd adopted, and Light's heart, just slowing, began to speed up again. “What does Kira-san think?”

Light laughed despite himself. See, he told himself. It's okay, it's just work, just another job, nothing personal. Everything that occurred was necessary, even if it didn't feel that way. Things would go back to the way they were before, regardless - regardless of the fact he now knew what it felt like to have L inside him, to have L explore him, to know the noise L made as he came.

L pushed his legs apart.

“What are you doing?” Don't panic, he told himself. There was possibly a perfectly rational explanation for his actions. Or a perfectly irrational one, like telling L to stop was guaranteed to be taken as a dare to go on.

He felt the muscles in his thigh dance beneath L's tongue as he cleaned a strip of skin of whatever was drying there. “Would you like to know a secret?” L said pensively. “Something that might help you gain a slightly better understanding of... recent events and activities?”

“Sure,” Light said warily, jerked as he felt L's lips curve against his thigh.

“There only needed to be one camera,” L said.

...You utter bastard, L, I bet there wasn't even a case.

I've been calling this Tacenda in my head, which means things not to be mentioned, matters to be passed over in silence. Which just makes me wonder what other things have occurred that Light would prefer were never mentioned ever again...

And I've just realized I completely forgot about Ryuk - he was in the corner. Giggling.


Re: Fill part 5 anonymous August 26 2010, 21:22:06 UTC
Im not OP, but bravo! That was so hot and well written! I love that Light was trying to pretend that nothing really happened. And i forgot about Ryuk too! ^^


Re: Fill part 5 anonymous August 27 2010, 10:29:18 UTC
For me is this now officially a part of Redivius that the author didn't dare upload at FFNet.


OP anonymous August 28 2010, 19:03:25 UTC also determined to regard this as a missing piece of Redivivus. Because you absolutely know L would.


Re: Fill part 5 anonymous November 5 2010, 05:49:33 UTC
This is better than gold.


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