Welcome to the Death Note Anonymous Kink Meme!
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* Comment anonymously with a kinkfic request. All requests must contain a character or pairing/threesome/moresome (any combination of guys/girls/shinigami/whatever are OK, crossovers are fine too), and at least one kink. If you need inspiration, check out this
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It hadn't always been so easy and simple. The first time had been eight months after Light had been placed in the prison/mansion and it had been irritating and embarrassing, more the result of sexual tension and extreme loneliness than anything else. Light wasn't even sure which of them had really initiated it, but once things started becoming sexual L was by far the more enthusiastic of the two, pushing Light's boundaries and invading his comfort level.
Still, Light remembered smirking to himself at how L actually had needs, at the same that he was wondering if he was crazy for suddenly being curious about starting something sexual with another man. It had to be the isolation. That could warp anyone's mind and behavior. He'd played mind games with L as much as he could in his limited circumstances, and he'd resented L for not allowing him any possibility of accessing a female partner.
From the time it first started, L had wanted inside, that much had been clear, but Light didn't trust him to go that far. It was an alarming thought, to spread your legs for another man and just let him do something like that. So instead there had been many encounters where they'd surged against each other, sweating and moaning, their stiff needy erections thrusting side by side, the process sometimes helped by lubricants they would spread on their stomachs, until at last they climaxed in that slick, tight space between their bellies. Sometimes they used hands or mouths instead, especially if one climaxed first from the humping and the other needed finishing off.
Eventually, though, things had progressed to penetration. Light remembered his first time, how apprehensive he'd been, how shocking the actual feeling was of having something that size going in. Light remembered how difficult it had been for L to thrust at all even though Light had been prepared with fingers for a long time first and there was plenty of lubricant.
But now, each time Light opened up easily to receive L's length and there was no more resistance, no more resentment. All those feelings had melted away years ago, recognized as being pointless and then discarded. Now there was only need, gratitude and love.
And then Light felt it, the culmination of the process, starting as a tensing of L's muscles against his thighs, and then a slightly missed tempo, and at last L's cry of pleasure, deep and husky, as the sticky warmth flowed into Light.
Light took it in happily, reveling in it, grateful and pleased, and a few moments later he got his reward. L flipped Light over and sucked him so hard Light couldn't see straight, and Light came hard into L's mouth, his hands tangled in L's hair.
It was the best birthday present. Objects meant nothing. Light was in a beautiful prison surrounded by as much physical wealth as he'd ever wanted. Only L meant something, and L's trust, attention and love were priceless.
Light gathered L into his arms and cried from happiness.
...I think I can tell who you are from your writing style, hehe.
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