Apr 12, 2012 21:43
My grandmother was a "file clerk" in WWII whose was fluent in all romance languages, english, german and turkish and whose one regret was that she never learned Navajo. She received a 21 gun salute at her burial in a National Cemetary and after her death we found a cryptic journal, one of whose entries was "dinner with Churchill; buy stockings."
What I remember about her was that she was always prepared, up to and including having a packed suitcase, vanity box and duffel bag with up to date cosmetics and emergency supplies because you never knew when you may need to leave suddenly. Her glove box actually had gloves. Her car blanket was always clean and folded in her car and there was always at least an umbrella there. I don't know what else she had in her trunk as we were never allowed to investigate the hidden compartment where she kept the emergency supplies ( the trunk itself was always clean and apparently empty), but unexpected rain or spontaneous picnics caused her no discomfort.
When I got my first car, I vowed to fill up when it was convenient to my schedule like my grandmother did (I don't think her car ever had less than 1/2 a tank of gas) and keep a clean blanket, umbrella, map and clean water in the car like my grandmother - and also - no open food allowed in the car, ever. When I was pregnant, I added shelf stable snacks and a clean pair of warm socks. The first time Elena spat up all over me, I added a change of shirt and pants. When Elena was old enough to sit in the shopping cart, I added an activity blanket designed for grocery carts.
So this evening when a five minute trip with two babies and no diaper bag or shoes turned into an hour and 45 minute adventure during which Elena needed a diaper change we were totally fine. We had toys; we had something to change Elena into; everyone was happy and comfortable, and I feel like a bad ass. Naturally, I thought of Corinna.