Packy Packy Packy

Dec 15, 2002 00:17

In not having to move for almost a year, I've forgotten just how much packing sucks. It's a damn good thing I'm excited about the new apt, or else I'd really be whining hard core. I've got, um, about half of the stuff in my second bedroom packed. It's amazing how much little crap one accumulates when one has an entire two-bedroom apartment to put it all in. I'm OK with packing the big stuff - books, dishes, etc. That's all cool. It's all the random little crap that I have that makes me nuts, because (unlike books) it doesn't always pack nicely. The two good things in this are a) I'm very pumped about the new place and b) I've hired professional movers, so I just have to get it all in boxes, and they'll move it from one place to the next. Yay.
Also, this will all be over in a week. Just in time for Christmas. I realize that moving the weekend before Christmas sounded like a really good idea at the time, and it still is. However, since Christmas is on a Wednesday (instead of, oh, a Friday or Saturday) I'm so not going to be ready for it. I'll have 2 days after moving to clean up the old place, wrap all the presents (thankfully, all of my Christmas shopping is done, which is good), make a pie, see Joanna and get my heiny up to Michigan. Oh, and did I mention that The SAK's mother invited me there for Christmas? Yeah. I got a Christmas card from her the other day, and inside it said, "You're welcome to join us for Christmas. We look forward to seeing you." Oy. I don't think I can, but I feel bad saying no. I told The SAK and he was like, "OK." Yeah. He had no idea either. Hee. Um, at least his family likes me?
Then, the weekend after I move they're imploding the old baseball stadium here (buh-bye, Cinergy Field. I hardly knew ye). People are coming down to watch it. I need to scope out a location for it. However, since this event is after the big black hole of my mind that we like to call "Moving Day," I haven't really thought about it too much yet. I know I need to go do some location research, but, um, yeah, after I move. Everything these days is, "after I move."
Have I mentioned my immense dislike of the moving? I'm happy I came to the intelligent decision to board the cats for the weekend. It will be well worth the money to have them totally out of my hair, and they'll probably be bigger fans of that than of being locked in various bathrooms for hours on end. They're getting dropped off Friday night, I move on Saturday, and I'm picking them up Sunday afternoon. So I'll have plenty of cat-free packing/cleaning/unpacking time. Yay.
And, after a nice 2-hour break of reading Sopranos recaps at Television Without Pity, I think it's about time to go to bed. But I have more weekend tales! In the next installment, read about too much honest, the pros and cons of launching into a discussion of what's bothering you after 6 glasses of wine, and why Dawnie needs to learn how to just chill the hell out.
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