May 04, 2007 12:58
Well, since I've been out of the loop, I'll give the Cliff's notes version of where I am in life.
I'm still a part of one of the most amazing churches in Southern NJ. I still serve an amazing Savior who pretty much blows my mind on a daily basis.
I started working back in February for a Korean dental implant company. There seems to be some kind of Asian theme in my life. I can't figure it out :-)
I love my job. Of course there are good days and bad days, but overall, I work for a great company in the most wonderful city on the east coast--Philadelphia :) OK--Philly has its rivals--Boston, Baltimore--but I love this crazy city to death.
I've not fallen off the blogwagon...just moved my location to a different location. If you want a more lengthy idea of what's been going on, check out
I think that's about it in a tiny nutshell. I can assure you that more will follow. I've sincerely missed all of you!
Have a wonderful weekend. Enjoy the lovely weather, the air in your lungs and the opportunity to make someone else's day! Be blessed!