Jan 22, 2005 16:44
yep.......they cancelled formal.........not a big deal......i can live with that.........
EXCEPT FOR THE FACT THAT IT'S ON THE SAME DAY AS COUNTY BAND!!! wtf.......ugh, i wish i had a time machine and a gun....i'd go back in time and shoot the tard who decided to invent music......w/e......
OH, and now guess what else is also on the same day of formal/county band???
mmmhhhmmm.....so now what?
well........i do have a plan...........
it really isn't that bad that the formal is on the same day as county band. i figure, that since we get out of there at 4...i could schedule my hair appointment for like 4:15at some place that's close to cannon mac.....so that could be done in about an hour and i can do my makeup while they're fixing my hair.....so it really shouldn't be too big of a problem, i hope....
now that the SAT's are on the day of county band...i'm afraid that they're going to move county band to later on that day...then i'd be screwed....
so yea.....i know that some of you who are reading this are probably thinking that i should just ditch county band......ummmm yea right.....i'd be slaughtered and my skin would be torn off my body and displayed in the band room.......(that would be something that i think Richard III did during his reign when someone tried to steal the crown jewels....yum)
alright..........leave your thoughts and comments........