Aug 05, 2005 23:25 band camp is finally over. i have mixed feelings....i'm glad that it's over just b/c i won't have to deal with it anymore, but i'm sad b/c it will allow me to dwell on other sh*t. anyway.....
it went well. it only had a few our 2 hour leadership meeting yesterday was horrible. i'm not going to explain it in here only b/c it's something that has to be told in person b/c it's so complicated. other than g. only raised his voice about 2 or 3 times......
i like where i'm at in all this. there are so many tempo changes in the's so crazy....there are at least 3 times in each piece where the tempo has to change. but i think i've been able to handle it well......
funny story.....i was conducting the band in full ensemble when i felt something crawling on my leg. i turned to matt (while i was still conducting) and was like 'Matt! i think there's a bug on my leg!!'....he looks and turns around and starts cracking up b/c at this point it had crawled up my i scream (while i'm still conducting) and mr g. turns around and is like "What? What?" and i told him that a bug was crawling on my leg (while i was still conducting) and he laughed. well, i had managed to stay on the beat while all this was going on. i soon found out that it was an ant that had been crawling on me......
today i conducted w/o the metronome! haha. i was really suprised that i was able to keep the tempo up and remember all the tempo changes that there were (i just conducted in front of the pit and drumline).....
after camp today i went to CiCi's w/ Jess & Kaylynn. then darren met up with us and we went bowling. i did really bad this time. after that i went hope fell asleep, woke up at 5:20 and i wanted to kick myself b/c i was suppose to meet Emily and Kim for dinner. well, i go there and it was all good. I'm going to miss you Kim! :( ummmm......came home and read Harry Potter #4 for awhile when Mandy called me. she came and picked me up and we went to her house and had snow cones and talked about our band camps. then we got boggs from work and went to Eat n' Park......needless to say.......i feel very fat/full right now which is why i decided to write in here about all the stuff that been going on so that i can digest my food a little before i go to bed....oh well.......
leave thoughts and comments if you wish