One of the best weeks ever

Jul 26, 2014 09:09

So, Colin stayed home for a week, at my suggestion and it has been great.  We got many little projects done and repairs made.  He even made the bathroom door shut; after years of hating that door, it kind of freaks me out that it works properly now.  I repaired the light switch for the dining room, thank goodness that worked.  Our bathroom sink drains again and there is a working doorknob on our porch door now instead of string and carbiners (a workaround).

We've also done a lot of cleaning and sorting, sorely needed around here.  With multiple children and myself in school, the amount of crap that gets piled up is obscene.

It feels like my sanity is returning, a slight exaggeration but the stress level is a lot less when things are not broken everywhere you look.
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