(no subject)

Nov 12, 2013 21:35

Ok I have been bitching too much. I am trying to apologize and make things right with my sister but I don't know if it is going to work.

Anyhow, I just discovered the MOMA podcasts and I am happily listening to some dissonant music, coming from a time where abstraction was happening in art, music, poetry, dance and literature. This makes me think of now and how everything is more fragmented, where ideas change so quickly that such a thing as an idea being shared across disciplines doesn't seem possible. Could something affect all these areas of art now? What would that idea look like? Is it happening and I am not aware of it? Well, the answer to that last one is yes. I have no clue, so I will just begin now to catch up and see where it gets me. But it also makes me wonder about what next...what major shift could happen?

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