surgery and other dillemas.

Aug 16, 2003 22:53

its now friday night, 4 "days" since i had surgery. im off the major painkillers now, taking nurophen where necessary. panadol forte (or digesics which is technically what ive been prescribed) have a tendancy to leave you feeling slightly less than normal, among other things.after two days at home im finally back to almost being human again which is something that ill not take so much for granted at least in the short term.or until someone mentions the word "catheter" to me..

i went into hospital tuesday morning 6:30 am, dropped off by my mother (who stayed util i went into pre-op). we almost didnt end up at the PA,with me thinking the surgeons rooms (which were at the wesley) were actually the PA.. first thing that struck me were how many old people there were checking into hospital at 6:30am, infact, the number of people i saw under 30, was very very few and far between. maybe because i was in a surgery ward or had an op thats usually performed on people much older.

either way. once we signed in and paid for the two days we andered off to pre-op, where i was asked for the first of many times that orning who i was, what my dob was, and what i was in for. i mustve been asked this by half the personel in the hospital by the end of the day. anyway after going thruough the pre-surgery routine mum left (with half a tonne of gear that i was bringing along but didnt need) and i was ushered off to get changed into the worlds most unattractive surgery gowns, what resembled adult daipers, some weird surgical slippers and an overgrown shower cap
and some stay up DVT preventative stockings i was shown to my surgery bed thing..i was originally 3rd on the PA list, but i was first up on the surgeon list, so i ended up *not* waiting, having to dive off for a last minute loo stop and then i was whisked down the cavernous corridors that make up the new PA hospital.

i roll into surgery room, they hook me up, the anethitist has a quick chat to me, whacks in a drip and the next thing i know its 11:00amish and im in a recover ward quite heavily sedated. upon coming around, answering the obligtory questions i was given some morphine for the pain and some maxalon for the nausea. morphine was interested, it really shallowed out my breathing, and at one point i was hooked up to an oxygen machine for a while to make sure i didnt pass out

after about 4 hours in a recovery ward, chatting to a nurse named sid (she was female, go figure) about how she wanted to be an accountant, i was finally shipped off to ward 4d. more pain refilef and oxygen were served there. i dont really remeber much from the next few hours, i was zoning in and out of conciousness quite a lot. only thing i do remeber was how much my damn chest hurt, and how much i really wanted to go to the loo. the afternoon nurse (mel) was fantastic, as was most of the nursing staff, but i dunno, maybe it was the drugs but she was really great. anyway at about 7:30 i was told that i either needed to pee, or it was catheter time, so after much wheezing and wincing, it was decided
that the anasthetic had knocked certain pieces of equipment out bleh.

so, second day, i started eating solids again on wed, not much, but some. doctor came around in the mid morning saying that my op was ok and they didnt find any polyps, which is kinda weird, will ask the surgeon about that. spent the rest of the day in bed playing advance wars and talking to the parents who dropped in. time seems to progress at a quater of the speed of the real world in hospital. so eventually the day passes as do i. which is a HUGE relief. back to feeling human :)

the next morning i finally get discharged and head home. and ive been sat on my parents floor since!
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