Round 1, Challenge 3 Voting!

Apr 30, 2009 14:26

Under the cut you will find the drabbles and the voting for the third round of dmpp_ldws.

- Contestants are required to vote, but must not vote for themselves (if you do, your vote will not count).
- Please take into account this weeks prompt, which was Legend.
- Please vote with the number of the drabble, not the name.

Drabble 1
Title: Legends
Word Count: 350 exactly.
Rating: PG-13
Warning: innuendo
Summary: What it takes to be a true legend at Hogwarts.

“Professor McGonagall says you were a legend at Hogwarts,” Scorpius gushed, his eyes shining proudly.

Draco smiled and glanced up at his wife. “Well, yes, I was a legend, though probably not in the sense that McGonagall will ever hear about.”

Pansy sniggered. “Ah, yes, the Ten-Second Wonder that was Draco Malfoy,” she joked.

Draco wrinkled his nose. “That was the first time I did it and-”

“What did you do, Father?” Scorpius asked, climbing onto his father’s lap.

Draco sighed. “I ran into Filch’s office and nicked some contraband in ten seconds flat. Well, actually, it was surely more than ten seconds…”

“What did you take?” Scorpius interrupted.

“Some poor girl’s purity,” Pansy scoffed softly. The look in her eye made it clear how much she was enjoying this.

“I took some flowers that were originally a girl named Daphne’s,” Draco asserted smugly.

Pansy burst out laughing and Scorpius wrinkled his nose, confused.

“But that’s not the reason I’m a legend,” Draco continued. “I actually stole flowers from many girls.”

Pansy rolled her eyes.

“Why would you want to do that?” Scorpius asked.

“You’ll see someday,” Draco responded cryptically.

“Were you good at Quidditch, Father?”

“Well, he was quite clumsy with his broomstick,” Pansy laughed.

“I was excellent at Quidditch,” Draco countered. “And by the way, your mother was quite the little ‘legend’ as well.”

Pansy blushed a bit but didn’t give any other hint that she knew what he was talking about.

“She could swing a Beater’s bat like no other girl could.”

Pansy shook her head. “I never played Quidditch except with your father, one-on-one.”

Draco snorted loudly. “What about all your ‘practice games’ with Zabini?”

Pansy reached over and smacked her husband on the back of the head gently.

“Mummy, did you play for the Slytherin team?”

“Some of it,” Draco murmured under his breath.

“No,” Pansy interrupted. “Never. I was a legend for having excellent grades.”

“Yes, all that time ‘studying’ in the library must have paid off,” Draco quipped, clearly trying to contain his laughter.

Pansy chuckled and shook her head. “Shut up.”

Drabble 2
Title: Stuff of Legend
Word Count: 350
Rating: R
Warnings: Character death in the background.
Summary: Pansy has had a crush on Draco since she was young.

Never upset a Slytherin girl. A revengeful, insecure Slytherin girl, that is. Now I see that I did it because I was insecure. Draco has never guessed that when we were teenagers, maybe because he was pretty insecure himself back then. Perhaps all Slytherins are like that; perhaps our insecurity generates our affinity for revenge…

Anyway. I had a crush on Draco when we were at Hogwarts, and I now suspect that pretty much everybody knew about it. I thought I was being tactful. My crush turned into love at some point, I suppose. I don’t know how, I just know that it was painful to see Draco starting to date girls after we left Hogwarts, when I was there and interested. Wasn’t he interested in me anymore?

I begun chasing him - subtly at first, then more openly, but he paid me no attention romantically. In the end, it’s possible to have been too insistent and to have scared him. Then he started dating Astoria Greengrass, and I knew that he was serious about it when his bad-boy attitude stopped being genuine and became a façade.

Draco had changed, because of her.

I have no idea what pissed me off so badly about that. It hadn’t bothered me ridiculously much when he had had feelings for other women before. But this time, it was something about the way their relationship was progressing…

I don’t know.

So, we were at a formal party - that is, Draco with Astoria, and I with a colleague. I remember having quite a few glasses of champagne. In my purse, I had brought a little something, just in case. And when Astoria left the table, her wine glass unattended, I poured some drops of magical syrup in it, just to ruin a couple of days in her beautiful life.

How was I supposed to know it was a lethal dose?

The murder has been traced back to me, of course; and now I’m in Azkaban with nothing to reflect on but the past.

Isn’t this going to be the stuff of legend in today’s pureblood society?

Drabble 3
Title: Happy endings
Word Count: 350
Rating: PG-13
Warning: infidelity, angst
Summary: Happy endings don't exist. A retelling of Tristan and Iseult.

At the wedding she tries her best to smile. Greengrass looks like a princess, dressed in the finest cloth money and magic could produce. Draco has never looked anything less than a prince and he never disappoints. The sight of him at the alter, bathed in the coloured light of the chapel window, makes her heart stop and her stomach twist. She does not voice an objection.

Draco is a dutiful husband, it seems. He and Greengrass care for each other. They seem so very in love and if it was not for his presence in Pansy's bed each night she might have believed the lies the newspapers swallow.

He is kinder at night, all calming noises and gentle touches. It is this Draco that she has fallen in love with. When she awakens in the night and sees him gazing at her through colourless lashes, she allows herself to hope that it is mutual.

When they awaken his tone is sharp again, she bites back what she wants to tell him.

Not that Draco has ever taken divination seriously.

She lets the cycle continue, content to believe that sometimes good things do not come to an end. When Greengrass bears a child, Pansy allows herself to believe in happy endings.

It is not until Lucius' wand is pointed at her head that she understands that happy endings don't exist. He laughs cruelly in her ear and voices his warning.

This marriage is worth more to him that an heir to the name, than a match for his son.

This marriage is the Malfoy's salvation, he says, and he won't allow a dishonoured tart to ruin it.

She cannot keep herself away. When Draco returns another night, face drawn and eyes outlines with bruise-coloured shadows, she welcomes him with open arms. He tells her he has been warned too, but nothing can keep them apart.

That night, they make love with gentleness and care. Moonlight shines through her bedroom windows, lending Draco an unearthly glow.

The next morning she packs her bags and heads for France.

Happy endings don't exist.

Drabble 4
Title: The Stuff of Legends
Word Count: exactly 350
Rating: R
Warning: sexual content, non-explicit
Summary: The girls want to know everything about Draco, but Pansy's not above stretching the truth to fit her needs.

"What's he like?"

Without answering, Pansy considered her options. She held a velvet choker to her neck, admiring the way the onyx pendant lay flush against the base of her throat.

The feel of his lips against her neck made her writhe with need, panting and unashamed. His tongue darted into the hollow of her throat to taste the saltiness there. Deliberate; a promise of things to come.

"Do you like the choker?"

"Just tell us, please." Daphne was desperate, and Pansy suppressed a smile. "The rest of us will never find out."

Until she'd touched him, she'd thought of him as marble. The Quidditch-defined muscles and perfect skin made him something hard and unyielding. Now, with the familiarity of contact, she knew him as white heat. He was warmth and energy, and his touch enflamed her.

"Or is the silver better?"

She laid the choker aside, returning to an antique silver necklace. Only the intricate whorls of the serpent remained silver; the rest had tarnished to black. The effect was dramatic against her pale skin, and the emerald-eyed snake never failed to draw the attention of Slytherin admirers.

"Have you seen the mark?" Millicent's voice was eager and hungry, and her eyes never left Pansy's face. "Does he let you touch it?"

She traced the raised design with her fingertips, following the curving serpents. Draco sucked in a sudden breath and shifted slightly. When she looked, his lower lip was caught between perfect teeth. He saw her watching and released it at once, trying to look nonchalant, but it was too late to hide. When the tip of her tongue grazed the tiny ridges of his mark, he groaned and bucked up into her.

"All right, I'll tell. But you have to stop pestering me after that." They hung on her every word, but she shrugged as if he wasn't her center. "He's fun enough, I suppose, but it's not exactly the stuff of legends. He's wonderful, for a schoolboy, and he'll do until I find something better."

Millicent worshipped her in silence, and Daphne couldn't hide her jealousy.

Drabble 5
Title: Her Slytherin Prince
Word Count: 350
Rating: PG
Summary: Pansy reflects upon her lifelong relationship with Draco and how they've made it work for that long.

Without a doubt, Pansy knew that her relationship with Draco was something rare. Like a precious jewel, she clung to its worth, striving to keep it safe and close. Even when they were mere children, did Pansy know this fact, playing in Narcissa's flower gardens. She had pricked her finger on one of the Malfoy's prize winning white roses and Draco carefully wiped the blood from her finger with the sleeve of his shirt, kissing her injury tenderly. She knew then that Draco was something to hold onto. From then, she shadowed Narcissa, silently memorizing her posture and actions, learning how to be a good wife. One forbidden night, she spotted her with Lucius. At the impressionable age of ten, Pansy was struck by the underlying passion that they had for each other. She held on to that sensual knowledge until she herself could use it, and yet, it seemed that it was always Draco coming to rescue her.

In fourth year, she had been distraught about the frilly pink dress robes her mother had chosen for her. Draco wiped away her tears with the tip of his tongue and promised that she was the prettiest girl in the school. A few deft ministrations from him and it was no longer tears that she elicited. At the ball, his silver gaze never left hers. He was her knight in shining armor. Her Slytherin prince.

She told their children they'd be blessed if they could find what she and Draco had. It was the stuff of fairytales. Rarely did two find such a happily ever after.

"Merlin's scraggly beard!" Pansy hissed, dropping her gardening shears, looking at the blood pooling at the top of her finger. She frowned at the thorny rose. But then Draco was there, kneeling in the dust beside her.

"At this age," he drawled, "I don't know how you manage being down on the ground that long. Ah, you're bleeding...some things never change."

With a smirk, he brought her fingers to his lips. Pansy smiled at her husband, her heart overflowing. Sweet Circe, she thought, legendary indeed.

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