Round Two, Challenge Eight Voting

Jul 29, 2010 15:17

Underneath the cut you will find the drabbles and the voting for the final challenge of dmpp_ldws!

- Contestants are not required to vote in the final challenge, but if they do they must not vote for themselves (if you do, your vote will not count).
- Please vote with the number of the drabble, not the name.
- The winner will be decided by the combined score of both of the drabbles.
- You only pick one fic as your favourite and one fic as your least favourite, not one from each section.

The first two drabbles are based on the following artwork by sciogie:

The second two drabbles are based on the following quote by Helen Keller:

Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold.

Drabble 1
Title: Endgame
Word Count: 144
Rating: PG
Warning: none
Summary: Draco sets out to finish what he started.

The line of Slytherins exited the Great Hall quickly, the glares of the Mudbloods and Muggle lovers at their backs. Pansy didn’t turn to look at them. She only looked back when they were nearly out of the castle, when Draco's shadow fell out of line behind her.

“What are you doing?” she hissed, but he didn’t answer. He picked up his pace, and she tore after him.


“I’ve got to do this.” It was all he said. Pansy caught his arm, nails sinking into his skin until he stopped to properly shake her off.

“You don’t,” she pleaded, pressing her palm to his cheek. “You don’t have to. Let him die. Just let them all die-”

“They’ll die at the end of my wand.” Draco took her hand and pressed a kiss to her wrist. It was a desperate promise.

When he pulled away, she let him go.

Drabble 2
Title: Dreams of Sanity
Word Count: 150
Rating: PG-13
Warning: None.
Summary: Draco longs for a better day.

Draco squinted up at the dark clouds above. How fitting. Frowning, he turned his head away.

Pansy stepped closer to him. “It’s not that bad, Draco. As soon as he gets what he wants, he’ll stop picking on you. I’m sure of it.”

Draco snorted. You-Know-Who would never leave him alone - not even if he got ten bloody Potters. “If you say so,” he muttered. He didn’t want this discussion. Not again.

He felt her cool hand on his cheek as she turned his face back towards her. “No. It’s the truth. It has to be. As long as we don’t make trouble, we’ll be all right.”

He drew her closer. Yes, they’d be all right. Because they had to be. Because there had to be a light somewhere out on the horizon for them to stay sane through all this.

Closing his eyes, Draco fervently prayed for peace soon.

Drabble 3
Title: Live for Tomorrow
Word Count: 150
Rating: PG-13
Warning: None.
Summary: Draco contemplates which path to choose.

Draco closed his eyes and breathed in deep. He could do this. He really could. But maybe he didn’t have to? Maybe if nobody could find him, then everything-the battle, people dying, the constant hate-might be over by the time he was found.

But then again, everything would be over for him if he was found by a ‘fellow’ Death Eater. They would have the excuse they needed to finally end his family’s line.

He sighed. Maybe he should just go for it and try to be the hero… or villain… whatever he would be if he managed to turn in Harry Potter.

Pansy tentatively moved closer and touched his arm. “Don’t do anything foolish,” she said.

“Then what’s left?” he asked, opening his eyes, surprised to find his own wryness intact.

She smiled a little sadly. “Live. Just live.”

Somehow, he found that to be sound advice.

Drabble 4
Title: Recommence
Word Count: 149
Rating: PG
Warning: none
Summary: Sometimes ‘fight’ and ‘flight’ are not the only options.

They’d spent months in hiding. Spent nights in train stations, seedy inns, alley doorways. Learned to leave things behind, to carry little. He never slept, she didn’t eat. They were always moving, always running, quick to flee anytime someone gave Draco a sideways glance.

Except for today. She woke up late, too late, with a sick jolt in her stomach; their train had left at dawn. She bolted out of bed, but Draco was sitting by the door, casually reading a newspaper. He smirked at her nonplussed expression.

“I’m through running,” he shrugged, by way of explanation. She took a moment to digest this information, then sat down at the edge of the bed.

“But they’ll find us.”

"Maybe." He shrugged again. "But maybe they won't. In the meantime, I'd like to try living.”

Pansy considered this. "You're taking me out to lunch, then," she said finally. "And pass me the gossip pages."

Please copy the below into a comment (they are screened) and vote with the number of the drabble.

Most Favourite:
Least Favourite:

Thanks for voting! And please make sure to spread the word around so we get as many votes as possible! :)

!round two, !voting, challenge eight

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