Aug 22, 2006 13:54

For those who don't know, this is Nixmun aeon_phoenix and Mitchellmun man_or_machina who I have yet to bring into the nexus. I know I've been absent and I'm blaiming that on work being a fierce and unforgiving mistress.

Xerampelinae is a thousands year-old human who is also a ruler of the Neo-Egyptian Empire. She doesn't know how the heck she ended up an Empress but at this point, she's already given up on trying to figure that out.

Xerampelinae in latin means dark red clothes and she adopted this as her name for her love of all things red. She's also called The Red Empress because of this (and other more bloody reasons).

Xera's the oldest human being on her Earth, her body not showing any signs of aging. The only physical markers of her advanced age is the gray in her hair. Not only that, it's been said that she is the posessor of flight, extraordinary strength, speed and other more mysterious abilities. This has been fodder of rumours of her being a Goddess to her being called a demon. The pair of so-called pet wolves don't help matters much either but she really doesn't care.
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