Who do you ship?

Nov 26, 2008 17:00

So, I'm curious. Who, in your deepest of hearts, do you secretly (well, I guess not-so-secretly anymore) ship in the Nexus? Who do you really wish would get together but arghhh they won't due to various reasons or WHAT DOES IT MATTER YOU WANT TO SEE THEM TOGETHER THAT'S THE IMPORTANT PART.

Note that I do not mean couples that are actual canon. For example, I like watching Jack (capnhotness) and Ianto (coffee_cult), but really, they're an actual canon couple, and they are not what this is about.

Nor is this about couples who are already Nexus canon. To use an example of my own, sure, Caleb (truebornbanacek) and Selene (selene_bhaal) aren't canon in either of their own universes, but they are Nexus canon, and as such don't matter for this post.

I want to hear about the people you really secretly kind of wish would get together in some universe or something just because YOU REALLY WANT TO SEE IT EVEN THOUGH THERE MAY OR MAY NOT BE A CANON REASON WHY IT SHOULD HAPPEN.

Also note that by shipping I mean actual relationships and not just fucking. I know I shouldn't need to clarify this but sometimes I worry about you folks. B|

EDIT: hey I totally had the right journals the whole time and never got any faulty information NOPE

general question

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