Invocation Post!

May 21, 2008 15:10

Hey, folks! Hud's big night is tomorrow, but since I'm working late on Thursday and early on Friday (poor planning, but whatcha gonna do?), I'll be throwing up a post late tonight for the guy. Like he's going to notice the day's difference.

SO- I thought I'd put a call out for other Cloverfield characters. Rob, Beth, Lily, Jason, Marlena, Jamie?, random citygoers, etc etc. Feel free to pile 'em in here, for what's likely going to be a short one-post sort of thing. And if anyone would LIKE to play the monster, I certainly wouldn't hate you for it. >_>

Annnnnd okay, I know we just all introduced ourselves, but this can be a general invocation post too! Anyone have any particular characters they want to see in the Nexus?


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