Greetings, fellow Nexusites!
The following post is not a joke. It is, however, about a joke. Oh, I'm so falling short of clever it's pathetic. Here's me, there's clever waaaaaaaay over there.
I was charged with a mission, you see, by the almighty Terana. Now I am collecting victims volunteers. For, you see, as it has long been suspected, the Burger King
Yes, that thing, is an avatar of none other than--DUNT DUNT DAAAAAAAAAAAA--Hastur The Unspeakable. Unspeakable, no? And to-day (and to-day only) he's going to be sneaking about in this avatar doing what it does best. Showing up out of no-where, scaring 1d100 SAN out of people, and offering them food. This is his idea of an April Fool prank. Eldritch. Go fig.
SO. Any takers?
EDIT: This would be best started with a generic post upon the journal of the pup you wish to terrify prank. If you have one, that is just peacheh. If no, one is humbly requested so as not to mess up any existing RP.