(no subject)

Aug 29, 2007 20:12

Sweet, stupid Algernon has been sent into the Nexus by the Undercity's Royal Apothecary Society, an alchemical-based organization dedicated to the study, discovery and application of illnesses, plagues and poisons. The Nexus is now their newest testing grounds.

Each of the flowers that Algernon is giving away have different poisons, based on the color of the posie. They are all contracted by inhaling and touching (or tasting, I guess, if you're a weirdo that, you know, likes to eat flowers.) It will take a short while for them to take effect. The cause of each of the toxins is as follows:

BLUE FLOWER: Blindness
YELLOW FLOWER: Paralysis (full-body or partial is up to you)
RED FLOWER: Delirious high fever, uncontrollable vomiting
ORANGE FLOWER: Vivid hallucinations, usually of the frightening variety
PINK FLOWER: Gradual necrosis; limbs will begin to lose feeling, then rot and fall off
BLACK FLOWER: Death in 24 hours, for those looking to off a pup

I must stress that, with the exception of godly intervention, THERE IS NO CURE FOR THESE CONDITIONS. Your pup is welcome to try whatever is available to them, but they will probably only find temporary relief at best.

HOWEVER, this does not mean you're stuck with an ailing pup for the rest of your days; in a few days from now, Algernon will come back, this time bearing antidotes. And if you have any other questions, feel free to ask here!

Dark Lady watch over you!

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