(no subject)

Jul 17, 2007 05:24

Hey thar, this is related to the post Nai just made.

As a part of this plotline, Leoben is gonna be kidnapped and locked up in a nice cozy underground cell somewhere for a few weeks. And before that happens, I'd like to have some idea that he's gonna get rescued.

So this post is to ask, in an entirely plot-relevant and not at all attention-h0r-ish way: which of your characters are likely to notice, and after how long, if Leoben goes missing? And would they be likely to do anything about it?

Which translates, also, to: who, out of characters who know Leoben (and maybe even some of the do-gooders who don't actually) would be interested in getting dragged into this? Bearing in mind that anything Nai and I attempt to "run" tends to sprawl entirely out of control Verbal will, as mentioned, have been wreaking general, excessive, and very violent havoc on the Nexus at large.

Thanks. :x

general question, plot info

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