Old player, new introductions.

Apr 28, 2007 15:45

Greetings and good day.

Hardly a new player here - been around Sages and D_M for quite a while, not to mention the IRC rooms - but I've never introduced my characters, andf igured I probably should; the more y'all know, the more conversation is likely if they post up a question, no? Admittedly, I don't post much in the brasslantern journal proper - I had originally intended it as an IC/OOC mix, but never really made any entries.

Thaddeus Quinn *points to icon* is actually an original character based on a game of Angband that I was running at the time - a good-guy human swordsman dedicated to winning the game destroying the evil of Morgoth. I've not posted much with him at all lately, but I'm trying to get back into the swing of things - he's the chara I actually created the journal for, after all; with the intent of later adding in more fantasy/D&Dish pups, some of whom have visited the IRC chat.

Thad notes: "You've been thinking about doing a plot to really break yon Fourth Wall and let me to visiting one of the Nexus' 'Modern Earths'. At least t'will be a relief from fretting about the nature of heroics and asking about weapons."

The secondary character (who has icons, but really deserves his own journal) is the swingin' vigilante Groove Champion from Activision's Interstate '76 game; I run him from a nebulous point after the end of the game itself - his nemesis is dead, but there's a lot of vigilante-ing yet to be done. He's admittedly a little out of date and much less Nexus-wise than Thad, but eh. He'll learn.

"...dude. Don't blame me if Taurus finds out about this place."

character info

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