Dec 11, 2005 20:00
Oh goodness. I went shopping today. First I went to Target. I was in the c.d departmen and this little old lady came up to me and asked what Oldschool rap was? So I helped her for 10 minutes and finally I found her a Tupac C.D. lol. She told me I was a lovely kind young lady and gave me a dollar. Then I went to Walmar and Called Zach cuz he lives right by there. He met up with me and we smoked 2 blunts together. Then I met up with BILLY, my brother, and we went to the mall. I bought a dress for the x-mas dance. It was $50. Oh yeah and I saw Kyra workin at mickey D's and I made her give me a free smile, haha. alright. Peace~~~~~~~