Jan 18, 2007 18:11
Well i guess i got myself into some shit this time. And everything keeps escalating withouth my knowing and it pisses me off. Now they say im facing 5 to 99 years and its the worst feeling i have ever had. And all of this bullshit from one night of drinking. Its really not worth it at all. Latetly ive just wanted to go to sleep and never wake up. I know thats a horrible thing to say but that is how i feel, but now i feel like a hypocrit cause i always tell rachel not to say things like that. Throughout my short life i have definately had my high points and love them. But now i am afraid that i have hit one of those undesirable rock bottoms that nobody wants to hit. But ive been there once and got back on top, now its just time to keep my head up and push my way through.