(no subject)

Feb 16, 2008 11:11

yesterday was such a hard day.
i left work early, i felt...still feel like shit.

i've been betrayed.
we both have.
lied to.
stabbed in the back.
the only friends i've got are so fake...you know the kind...talk shit and make up ridiculous lies to get you in trouble, but they're your best friends to your face.

i don't know who to trust anymore.
i just know that we were screwed with in so many ways by the people we thought were our friends, our family.

here's a message to those who fucked us over...

grow the fuck up, get your own life because sticking your face in ours to cause problems is really just plain ole pathetic. you stabbed me in the back, instead of in the front like a real friend should. real people are honest about their feelings to their faces. i'm sorry you all are stuck in your stupid little high school drama shit. i'm too old for that shit.

you all can suck my cock, and fuck you.
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