the desert is teh speaking to you-eth.

May 26, 2006 01:05

Hello faithful strandees! I am the great desert, Desert! Yes, yes, you may all praise me and the like but don't do it too much, it'll go to my head! Ah~ Such wonderful people you are, willingly coming here from your world which is incredibly far, far, away, just to accompany lil, 'ol, wonderful, sandy me!

But it seems as though all of you aren't getting along that well. My expectations were too much, I suppose.

And I assume that most of you want to confess something to a certain person, or you want to tell someone here something amusing, hurtful and the like but would like to remain anonymous, therefore, I will do the honor of telling this person how you feel towards him/her/it, because I am sandy and great like that. :D

You may all comment on this wonderful entry with your message for the others, made by me, THE DESERT ( :D ), and rest assured, all comments will be screened. :D~

Yours Truly,
The great and almighty sandy Desert ♥

[ OOC: If you're confused, take a look HERE, but we're doing this in a different way... so, yeah. :D~ ]
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