By now everyone should've answered everyone else's memes, so now you can muck with mine!
(3 Points) Three online nicks I use:
(5 Points) The meaning of DM in DMJewelle:
(10 Points) On average, time I spend online if I only frequent my regular sites:
(3 Points) Where did we meet:
(1 Point) What kind of car do I drive:
(1 Point) What does the person whose room is next to my office teach?
(1 Point) what am I afraid of:
(2 Points) What piece of jewellery I own has my NaNo blog title on it?
(2 Points) Why don't I wear jewellery much:
(5 Points) How many direct cousins do I have:
(3 Points) How many direct nieces/nephews do I have:
(3 Points) What female character(s) do I want to cosplay:
(1 Point) What's one of my favorite things to do:
(2 Points) How many piercings do I have:
(2 Points) What's my least favorite type of music:
(2 Points) Best. Game. Ever:
(2 Points) Best. Videogame. Music. Track. Ever:
(2 Points) what’s my favorite color:
(2 Points) Who's responsible for my clothes:
(5 Points) When did I start keeping a diary:
(3 Points) How many times have I completed FF7:
(3 Points) How many pets have I had:
(3 Points) Have I ever liked a guy in real life?
(5 Points) How long was the shortest relationship I've had?
(5 Points) Can you honestly, honestly, say I have written yaoi?
(5 Points) Longest enduring original character designed:
(5 Points) Name one place where I shouldn't sleep that I have slept at:
(5 Points) My heaviest weight, and when:
(5 Points) Most outstanding comment made on my kindergarten progress report:
(5 Points) Once I make this cosplay costume...I consider a personal goal in life complete:
(7 Points) Before my current handphone, my previous handphone was the butt of one very outstanding joke, what was it?
The last bunch of questions have high marks because I got lazy.
kitmun: 20/100
lady_sb: 26/100
a_songfor_xx: 19/100
elusive_bliss: 22/100
evo7gal: 39/100
flat_foot: 26/100
kimango: 41/100