I'd like to make something clear (HBP)

Jul 17, 2005 15:45

Whatever I post here, is not for you to get offended, or reply with harsh comments. I post here what I feel at the moment, So if you don't like what you see, DON'T reply, or don't even pay attention.
Most of you think that my Ginny die icon is because of HG, It has nothing to do with that, She's a representation of everything that I hate in highschool, how the girl is so suddenly perfect and popular and has no unique personality.
So please, stop assuming that it's because my ship did not happen in HBP, you people don't know me, stop acting like you do.
Whenever I get mad, I tend to say things that I'll regret later on. So if I suddenly have an outburst, That's my problem, it's not your life to tell me to get out of the "F fandom". :)

I'm one step away of making this Friends only.
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