Jul 01, 2011 20:27
Well, don't really know where to start.
So... First of all I've just had my braces tuned. I think I'm going to eat all of this kids food all of the next week.
Secondary, I had my windows installed about a week ago. I'm pretty satisfied with the result, but still, minding my degree of perfectionism and money I paid, it definitely could've been better.
I've painted my bathroom and the loo. I have also my new gas-stove installed with some new accessories.
Still loads of thing to do there: I'm going to paint the kitchen, the room and the lobby. Want to paint new wallpapers too, but don't really know if I there will be a possibility.
Oh yeah, I've also almost received my diploma and eventually have some time to practice with Murphy. Would love to take a CAE course in IH this year so do really hope to gain a place in the group. Fingers crossed.
I think that's it for today. Hope everybody's fine. BB! :-)