Random thoughts

Nov 13, 2006 03:06

Sarah came to visit this weekend while she interviewed at Northwestern Law. Thursday night we played a bunch of caps and Ted got so drunk we didn't know if he was going to be able to find his way home. Apparently he did, but he also forgot to close the outside door to our apartment as we found out the next morning. Friday night we made home made pizzas and invited some of the girls from our dorm freshman year to eat pizza, drink wine and play catch phrase. I pretty much felt like a middle aged married person, except with more discussion about anal fisting.

In our flag football game on Wednesday I messed up my left shoulder diving for the pylon on a run. It's an injury I've been somewhat battling all year, but this time I reaggrevated it way worse than before. By Thursday morning I could hardly move my arm, and in class when I needed to take notes I had to lift my left arm up to the desk using my other arm. It's been getting better since then, but once practice starts this week I'm worried it'll start getting worse again. I can't wait for winter break when I can rest it for a solid 3 weeks so that it will hopefully heal all the way. It would be nice to be able to lift my arm above my head without pain, and maybe actually be able to bench press again.

I had written before about not hearing back on any of my job applications so far. Well I've learned that it takes a while. I did finally hear back from Procter and Gamble, and no they do not wish to hire me, or even interview me. I'm disappointed because I don't like being rejected, but at the same time the job would've been in Cincinnati, and that's just too many syllabols for me to want to live there.

Despite all my preconceived notions of it, I actually played Guitar hero this weekend and thought it was amazing. It probably helped that I had been drinking, but regardless I enjoyed myself. It's like DDR, but without all the awkward dancing. I just wish they had a version with songs I like, cause I can't stand a lot of classic rock songs.

I might try to work at Silvestrinis again over christmas break so I can earn a little drinking money. I have 3 weeks off, but don't want to work at the assessors office because it's full time. So I'm gonna see if Ric will let me come back and work a little there, either waiting tables or even just making pizzas in back. It's been a couple years but I bet I can figure it out, I mean if my little brothers can do it then I can do it.
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