Oh, my god.
So it finally happened. I know that it was said that Carson was going to leave the show, but I was praying that he wouldn't be killed off. I knew that he would be, because show business producers are pure evil, but I hoped for the best anyway.
I knew, the moment that he picked up that exploding tumor and walked to meet the bomb squad guy that that was how Carson would die. I love Carson like there is no tomorrow. He's funny and sweet and kindhearted. He's much more patient as a person than I ever will be.
Yes, I realize that he is a fictional character, but I've definitely grown to care about him as I would anyone. First, there was the loss of Ford, and now Carson. Just about the time that I started to really like Radek, he caught a bolt of electricity to the chest.
God, I would love to do my usual performance of a leaking faucet, but this is a public library. I can't spend all of my time appearing overly weird, right? My small sniffles aside, I think that I'm doing very well. Much better than I was after Dumbledore's death. Okay, so that was in the privacy of my own home, but still.
Anyway, I loved the episode right up until the moment when I realized that Carson was in fact going to be killed off. It was the type of episode that tells the story from several different POVs. In fact, it shows us exactly what some of our favorite characters do on their down time. There was also a bit of personal history revealed as well.
We found out/saw that:
John has previously been married, but it didn't work out.Ronon and Melena hadn't actually been married (like we previously thought), but he said that it was close enough to it.When John asked Ronon if he was dating anyone, Ronon said "Like a woman?", but John was open-minded (still a little uncomfortable) enough to say "man," too. Then, Ronon basically told him either way, he wasn't ready to date yet.There was also the confirmation of how time (months-wise) passed in SGA time. It's basically the same as ours. This was via Ronon's specifying how long he'd been in Atlantis. (A year and a half.)Teyla was shown with other friends (a Dr. Hewston) and talking about a man that she likes. She also says that Athosian courtship is much more reserved than it is written in fiction. I am guessing lots of rituals, fights, and tea drinking. It wasn't confirmed who the man was, because Teyla made eyes and whatnot at Ronon, while Ronon told John that he always thought John and Teyla would end up together. Clearly, in lieu of not being Evil (Yes, with a capital "e."), the producers offered the fans a small shipper concession, as they highlighted the popular ships, and even many people's tendency to slash Ronon like mad. (I mean, how could we not?)We were given many more names of people to ship and work into fics and as background sorts, instead of just having to make up names for the other doctors, all of the nurses, and the other scientists. It was like they were trying to name every single person on the expedition. The writers should leave something for the rest of us to do.It turns out that not only does Major Lorne paint (brilliantly, might I add), his mother was an art teacher, and painting was how he spent his weekends with her. There was no word about him and a father figure. Maybe that'll come later.We're told what happened with Katie Brown after the Cadman-McKay body sharing incident in "Duet." (Rodney ignored her for months out of embarrassment.) We also see Rodney trying to make a go of a relationship with a woman. He actually says that he and Katie are a couple while he makes up an excuse to duck out of going fishing with Carson on the main land.Even though I've seen a variety fics stating who Rodney's best friend is, it's confirmed to be Carson.John not only likes to play golf and looks sort of silly-cute in his ending stance, he's played since he was six. Carson, on the other hand, doesn't like golf at all, despite him being a Scot. He's very much more into fishing. Who knew?We see Ronon's version of a good time and a sport. It's like capture the flag, only the flag is tucked into the back of each person's pants and you fight with wooden swords. If you need to fight dirty, you do so. Ronon did. He kneed John and at one point knocked him flat on his back.We're shown once again how Elizabeth doesn't want to mix with any of the people under her command, no matter how indirectly she is their superior. We also see Michael Branton push her anyway.Atlantis apparently has a Chess Club, led by Radek Zelenka, who can win matches in one move. He is frequently called a "son of a bitch" as a result. He likes to play for trades, especially when he's won a Swedish massage from one of the female doctors.There was a lunch date set for Elizabeth and Teyla, which would give those shippers plenty to work with, as they obviously set this sort of thing up all of the time.We are told, by Ronon himself, that he doesn't really hang out with anyone other than John or Teyla.Carson came to Rodney in a dream-like state at the end of the show to ask about how things went back on Earth and to say good-bye.Rodney packs up Carson things to send back to Earth. We also see a picture of Rodney and Carson walking out in that field in "Duet." It doesn't make logical sense for there to be a framed picture of that moment in Carson's quarters, but it's there to give a little best friends nod to the fans.Carson has six palm bearers - Ronon, John, Rodney, Radek, Major Lorne, and Dr. Somebody. I can't remember her name at the moment. I'd have to go back and watch that part again, as every damned body was given a name in this one episode. Still, they are the basically the main people that Carson interacted with that day. Elizabeth didn't help carry his casket, but she did give his eulogy. A space was left on the right side bearers, presumbly as a nod to Teyla, who would have gladly help carry Carson's body home. Unfortunately, she had been wounded only two days earlier in the first blast.Carson's body was transported in a metal, Scottish flag-covered casket while a set of bagpipes were played by a man in traditional Scottish dress. There's still no word of the memorial services of the other people that died due to the two bombs. I can't think of anything else at the moment. Well, technically, I can think of everything at the moment, but these things stick out the most right now and I've already been typing for an hour straight at this point with frozen fingers. Now, those are all for "Sunday," but I've been meaning to find time to come and blather on about how:
John's favorite hero is Evil Knievil and Rodney's is Batman. Each man chose those particular heroes, because they felt a personal connection to them. Like, John and EK share a love of fast and danger vehicles and Rodney and Batman both used their brilliant minds to save the day, even though they are vastly misunderstood by regular folk. Ronon's hero was someone I can't pronounce, let alone type out. Just know that he once killed twelve enemies with his bare hands and was funny, too.God, what else? Lots of stuff, really. But I suppose that it doesn't matter, because I am simply going to ignore canon anyway and enjoy fan fiction. Heaven knows that I need it, now more than ever. I mean, they killed my Carson off! : (