Evening draw

Mar 14, 2017 20:21

It has been a shit filled two weeks and there is no mistake about it. A few days at the Sacred Space Conference helped, but I returned negativity, some of which I self generated. So tonights draw. Ur an absolute ending, Eo (or ebad) the first forfeda - journey to the otherworld, and ceirt - misfortune. Strangely it seemed there was something positive, but not in the draw order. So I pulled a fourth stick to make sense of the cognitive dissonance and it was lus - light, or healing of the eye. Perhaps I'm a polyanna but I'm reading it misfortune, an absolute ending and a journey. This makes complete sense as I have mostly moved on from my church after a miserable dustup that only group dynamics can produce and now its time to return to practice with strength. Blessed be.


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