Jun 26, 2003 13:45
I have been planning to go out to lunch with JRs mom because we have been talking nearly every day online on AIM and I wanted to talk to her about Brandi getting a job with her and so on...basically just have lunch with my best friends mom because I thought it would be nice, and maybe even make me feel a little more grown up. I am almost certain that I told Brandi I was planning to go to lunch with JRs mom on Thursday but she swears she doesn't remember me telling her that, but irregardless, do I have to report every word I say to every person to my girlfriend when she calls me? Its like she calls me to see what kind of conversation I had with ... EVERYONE. I understand she wants to know how my day was and if I had arguements with anyone but it seems when she calls me that she's just interrogating me to see if I did anything wrong so she can yell at me. I started talking to to her about what I talked to JRs mom about and she just yelled at me, demanding for more information on the specifics of our conversation. I told her to calm the hell down and stop yelling at me. She gets all mad because I'm being "vague". Jesus Christ is it really that big of a deal? Can't I tell her later on the phone instead of this second. I just walked into work after lunch and frankly I'm full of fucking food and I feel like just vegitating. I don't like always being under a microscope either. If she wants to know what we talked about, she can ask in a more casual manner instead of a friggin interrogation. Well anyway she hung up on me when I told her to stop yelling...she has a short patience...and short temper. I love her to death but I hate it when she treats me like this. Well Brandi if you want to know what we talked about here it is:
We started by talking about my job and what I'm going to do after the internship is over. My choices would be Direct Sales (door-to-door), Retail Sales (Selling Cable at a kiosk in the mall), and Field Collections (going to people's houses and telling them if they don't pay me this second, I'm turning off their cable). After talking about that, we talked about JR going to college and he said that if this whole Jessica thing doesn't work out, he's enlisting so the Army can pay for his college and teach him some things. I guess it would be good for him, he will get in shape ( i need that too ) and he will see some of the world (been there, done that) and he will get educated. AND AFTER THAT we talked about Brandi getting a job with Barbara and she was actually vague. She said that right now she really can't hire anyone and she has no idea when she can, so Brandi I encourage you to look for a better job in the newspaper or on the internet. I will help you. I love you. :)